Blues~Blues Rock~Black Music

No.       ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) year state condition price
14227 A.C.REED & MAURICE VAUGHN / i got money(Blue Phoenix 33.727 US modern blues)
     recorded in France
85 FR Ex+/M- 1900
14229a ALBERT COLLINS with BARRELHOUSE / live(Munich BM150225 great drivin' blues)
78 HO M-/M- 2900
31704 ALEXIS KORNER / bootleg him(Warner Bros.2XS1966 2LP,G/F +4page inst,Srw,Scc)
     UK blues rock classic / f.Robert Plant,Ginger Baker,Jack Bruce,Paul Rodgers,etc
72 US Ex/
21773 ANDREW BROWN / on the case(Double Trouble DT3010 chicago modern blues) 85 HO M-/M- 1500
21800 ANDREW MACMAHON / blueblood(MCM 900.301 live at Ma Bea's,Nov.8.'76 / 80's issue)   FR M-/M- 1500
16605a ANDREW `VOICE` ODOM / farther on down the road(Bluesway BLS6055 Sdh)
     f.Earl Hooker
73 US M-/Ex 2500
16614 ARTHUR `BIG BOY` CRUDUP / look on yonder's wall(Delmark PA3015) +inst, DJ
     southern blues, session with Ronsom Knowling '67, JPN orig. LP released in '74
69 JP Ex+/Ex+ 1500
16600 ARTIE WHITE / blues boy(Ronn 8000 chicago blues'n soul + gospel)
     +inst & obi for Japanese Release on Vivid
85 US Ex+/M- 1500
18444 B.B.KING / burglar(RSO MW2107 +inst +obi / Prod;Mike Vernon) 74 JP M-/M- 2300
18421 BIG DADDY KINSEY / bad situation(Rooster R2620 Chicago modern blues) 85 US M-/M- 1500
15204 BIG GEORGE & THE BUSINESS / the alleged album(B.G.B.BGBLP001 +inst)
     UK drivin' hard blues rock / rare private
89 UK M-/M- 4900
21109 BISTRO BLUES BAND / tudod,csak azert(Rotary Drilling RY9111-1 Hungarian blues)
     like chicago blues
91 HU M-/M- 2500
11739 BLACKOUT / same(Muza XL0437 very rare late 60's Polish beat - bluesy psyche. / Swoc)
     pre-Breakout / Mira Kubaisinska(female vox)も参加!
  PO Ex/Ex 14800
31477 BLUES ‘N’ TROUBLE / thankyou and goodnight(Blues ‘N’ Trouble BNTLP3 UK white blues) 87 UK M-/M- 1000
13026 BREAKOUT / 70a (Muza SXL0603 G/F,stereo / good Polish blues rock)
     f.Mira Kubasinska ; female vox
70 PO Ex/Ex 7900
13090 BREAKOUT / karate(Muza SXL0858 early 70's Polish blues rock)   PO Ex/M- 6900
09401a BREAKOUT / n.o.l.(Muza SX1300 mid 70's Polish blues rock / f.Mira Kubasinska)
     good female vox & blues guitar!
  PO Ex/M- 8500
07679 BREAKOUT / na drugim brzegu teczy(Pronit XL0531 G/F,mono,ジャケ、ややくたびれ)
     very rare late 60's Polish blues rock / f.Mira Kubasinska
  PO Ex/Ex 14800
30386 BREAKOUT / zagiel ziemi(Pronit SX1821 Polish blues rock / f.Mira Kubasinska) 79 PO M-/M- 4900
17533 BROKEN GLASS / same(Capitol 1C062-82150 +in-slv / UK blues rock)
     f.Stan Webb,Miller Anderson,Robbie Blunt
76 D Ex/Ex 2500
14279 BUDDY & THE JUNIORS / same(Blue Thumb BTS20 White Multi Vinyl,Sdh)
     f.Buddy Guy,Junior Mance & Junior Wells
69 US M-/M- 2900
14206a BUSTER BENTON / first time in europe(Blue Phoenix 33.722 80's chicago blues)
     recorded in France on French label
  FR M-/M- 2900
14153a BUSTER BENTON / spider in my stew(P-Vine PLP3502 +inst +obi / 70's Chicago blues)
     great guitar & deep voice
78 JP M-/M- 3900
19933 BUSTER BROWN / the new king of the blues(Fire/P-Vine PLP6004 +inst +obi / '84 issue)
     late 50's - early 60's recordings on Fire label / R&B harp
  JP M-/M- 2500
14166 BYTHER SMITH / tell me how you like it(Grits GR100 US modern blues) 83 US M-/M- 2900
32562 CASEY JONES / solid blue(Rosster Blues R7612 US modern blues) 87 US Ex+/M- 1000
19936 CHAMPION JACK DUPREE / blues from the gutter(Atlantic P-6183A +inst +obi)
     great New Orleans blues - modern blues
58 JP M-/M- 1980
12039a CHAMPION JACK DUPREE / same(Storyville SLP824 Eurpean blues master!)
     early 60's recorded in Copenhagen,Denmark
  SW Ex/Ex 2500
08303 CHICKEN SHACK / 39 bars(Bellaphon 255-07-005 UK blues rock) 86 D M-/M- 2300
16430 CHICKEN SHACK / roadies concerto(RCA RCALP5013 UK blues rock) 81 UK Ex/M- 2500
31303 CHICKEN SHACK / the creeper(Ariola 25891XOT G/F,Ssw / German only released LP)
     UK blues rock
77 D Ex/M- 6900
26307 CHICKEN SHACK / unlucky boy(Deram SML1100 LC / UK blues rock) 73 UK Ex/M- 7500
27686 CHRISTINE KITTRELL / nashville R&B volume two(Krazy Kat KK7432 50’s US female R&B)
     ’86 released comp.
  UK M-/M- 2500
10064a CLIMAX BLUES BAND / drastic steps(Musicolor 090.30143 UK blues rock / tobc)
     f.Lester Hunt ex-Demon
88 D Ex/M- 1900
14048a CLIMAX BLUES BAND / sense of direction(Sire SAS7501 Sdh / UK blues rock) 74 US M-/M- 1900
14049 CLIMAX BLUES BAND / stamp album(Sire SASD7507 G/F,Ssw / UKI blues rock) 75 US M-/M- 1900
08358 COLWELL - WINFIELD BLUES BAND / cold wind blues(Akarma AK148 +7" single)
     deluxe RE of very rare late 60's jazzy US blues rock
68 IT M-/UNP 2600
25326 CROWBAR / larger than life(Paramount SPFA7002 G/F,TC / Canadian blues rock) 71 UK Ex/Ex 5900
10325 CUBY & THE BLIZZARD / red,white 'n blue(Vertigo 6360631 +inst,Ssw)
     good Dutch heavy blues rock
75 D M-/M- 4900
31476 DAVID DEE / sheer pleasure(Edge EDLP003 US modern blues - blues’n soul) 86 US M-/Ex+ 1000
30593 DE LUXE BLUES BAND / a street-car named de luxe(Appaloosa AP020 good UK blues) 81 IT M-/M- 4900
30594 DE LUXE BLUES BAND / same(Blue Horizon BLUH004 Prod:Mike Vernon / UK blues)
     f.Dick Heckstall-Smith,Danny Adler,Bob Brunning,Bob Hall,Micky Waller
88 D M-/M- 3080
30592 DE LUXE BLUES BAND / urban de luxe(Appaloosa AP040 UK blues rock) 83 IT M-/M- 3900
16038a DEAK BILL GYULA / blues unto death(Start SLPM17987 Hungarian blues rock)
     ex-Hobo Blues Band
86 HU Ex/M- 2900
10336a DEAK BILL GYULA / rossz ver(Start SLPM17836 Hungarian blues rock / ex-Hobo Blues B.) 84 HU M-/M- 3900
23674 DR.HECTOR & THE GROOVE INJECTORS / emergency(Ichiban/King Snake ICH9012)
     US blues rock / ex-Grinderswitch
91 US M-/Ex 1500
21733 ELMORE JAMES - JOHN BRIM / whose muddy shoes(Chess/P-Vine PLP823 +inst +obi)
     '53 - '60 chicago blues / '83 issue
  JP M-/M- 3500
21725 FENTON ROBINSON / down in tennesee 1970 - 71(P-Vine PLP301 +inst +obi / '86 issue)   JP M-/M- 2900
19942 FENTON ROBINSON / i hear some blues down stairs(Alligator/Trio PA6219 +inst +obi) 77 JP M-/M- 2300
32414 FENTON ROBINSON / mellow blues genius(P-Vine PLP9001 +inst ,TC)
     mid 60’s modern blues / ’78 issue
  JP Ex+/M- 1900
18445 FREDDIE KING / larger than life(RSO MW2156 +inst +obi,WL) 75 JP M-/M- 2500
09074a GROUNDHOGS / blues obituary(Liberty 83253 LC / UK blues rock classic!) 69 UK M- - /Ex 7500
13469a GROUNDHOGS / hogs on the road(Demi Monde DMLP1016 2LP,G/F / UK blues rock) 87 UK M-/M-/M- 3500
29890 GROUNDHOGS / hogwash(United Artists UAG29419 triple G/F / UK blues rock) 72 UK Ex/Ex 7500
31575 GROUNDHOGS / solid(WWA 004 +inst,TC / UK blues rock / f.Tony McPhee) 74 UK Ex+/M- 4900
18432 GUITAR SLIM / the things that i used to do(Specialty/Vivid VS2001 +inst +obi)
     mid 50's southern blues / '79 issue
  JP M-/M- 1980
16604a HIP LANKCHAIN / change my blues(Teardrop 001 chicago blues) 81 US M-/Ex 2300
21769 HIP LANKCHAN / airbusters(Black Magic 9011 80's chicago modern blues) 87 HO M-/M- 1500
21098 HOBO BLUES BAND / kozepeuropai hobo blues(Pepita SLPX17648 +inst)
     Hungarian heavy blues rock 1st
80 HU Ex+/Ex+ 2750
15482a HOBO BLUES BAND / blues az esoben(Zenit BP162 Hungarian blues rock live LP) 89 HU Ex/M- 3900
15483 HOBO BLUES BAND / csavargok konyve(Favorit SLPM37168 Hungarian blues rock) 88 HU Ex+/Ex+ 1980
13120a HOBO BLUES BAND / meg elunk(Favorit SLPM17754 LC / Hungarian blues rock) 83 HU M-/Ex 2900
08928a HOBO BLUES BAND / tabortuz mellett(MMC BP273 2LP,G/F +inst / Hungarian blues rock) 90 HU Ex/M-/Ex 5900
13119a HOBO BLUES BAND / vadaszat(Favorit SLPM17862-63 2LP,G/F / Hungarian blues rock) 84 HU Ex/M-/M- 4900
13100a HOBO BLUES BAND / vandor az uton(Favorit SLPM37091-92 2LP,G/F)
     Hungarian blues rock / Doorsのカヴァー集
87 HU Ex/M-/M- 4900
19946 HOMESICK JAMES & SNOOKY PRYOR / sad and lonesome(Wolf 0120409)
     recorded in Vienna '79
79 AR M-/M- 1900
19947 HOMESICK JAMES & SNOOKY PRYOR / shake your money maker(Krazy Kat KK790)
     '84 released album of '73 recorded chicago blues
  UK M-/M- 1900
29225 HOWLIN’ WOLF / sings the blues(P-Vine PLP6611 +obi / US chicago blues / ’91 issue) 62 JP M-/M- 2900
21727 J.B.HUTTO / hawk squat(Delmark/P-Vine PLP374 +inst +obi / chicago blues / great silde!)
     late 80's issue
68 JP M-/M- 2900
11459 JAMES COTTON / 100% cotton(WEA/P-Vine PLP7001 +obi +inst / US funky blues classic) 74 JP M-/M- 2900
11456a JAMES COTTON / high compression(Alligator/Vivid VS1052 +obi +inst / US blues harp) 84 JP M-/M- 2500
19865 JAMES COTTON BAND / live & on the move(Buddah YZ-85-6DA 2LP,G/F)
     good funky modern blues / レア国内プレス
76 JP M-/M-/M- 3900
11452a JAMES COTTON BAND / pure cotton(Verve Forecast FTS3038 dull gold lab,Sdh)
     early 70's US blues classic from Memphis
  US Ex/Ex 2900
19083 JERRY McCAIN / southern harp,cadillac & the blues(Jewel/P-Vine PLP715 +inst +obi)
     '81 issue / southern blues harp
  JP M-/M- 2900
21731 JIMMY JOHNSON BAND / johnson's whacks(P-Vine PLP9030 +inst +obi)
     chicago modern blues / '82 first released on P-Vine
79 JP M-/M- 2500
18476 JIMMY McCRACKLIN / the best of(Chess/P-Vine PLP6033 +inst +obi)
     '57 - '62 westcoast blues / f.Lafayette Thomas / '84 issue
  JP M-/M- 2500
27667 JIMMY ‘T-99’ NELSON / watch that action(Ace CHD228 50’s US R&B / ’87 released comp.)   D Ex/M- 1500
21729 JOHN BRIM & LITTLE HUDSON / same(P-Vine PLP9020 +inst +obi / '80 issue)
     50's chicago blues / also see ELMORE JAMES & JOHN BRIM / whose muddy…
  JP M-/M- 3500
31045 JOHN DUMMER BLUES BAND / vol.2 : try me one more time(Philips 6382040 LC)
     f.Dave Kelly,Tony McPhee / ’68 - ’69 UK blues rock
  UK M-/Ex 6900
09370 JOHN DUMMER'S FAMOUS MUSIC BAND / same(Fontana 6309008 G/F,LC)
     rare UK blues rock
70 D Ex+/M- 12800
19052 JOHN LEE HOOKER / driftin' thru the blues(P-Vine PLP393 +inst +obi / '89 issue)
     early 50's chicago blues
  JP M-/M- 2500
19853 JOHN LEE HOOKER / mad man blues(Chess/P-Vine PLP837 +inst +obi)
     mid 60's chicago blues / '84 issue on P-Vine
  JP M-/M- 3900
16607 JOHN LEE HOOKER / travelin'(Vee Jay 20YB2062 mono / chicago blues / '87 issue) 60 JP M-/M- 1900
12781 JOHN MAYALL / blues from laurel canyon(Decca LK4972 G/F,red lab,MONO)
     unboxed round logo+ear mark / f.Mick Taylor
68 UK M-/Ex+ 12800
12780 JOHN MAYALL / looking back(Decca SKL5010 G/F,LC,blue lab,round unboxed logo,stereo)
     UK blues rock / f.Eric Clapton,Aynsley Dunbar,Peter Green,Mick Taylor,etc
69 UK M-/Ex+ 8500
23172 JOHN MAYALL / the blues alone(Ace Of Clubs SCL1243 UK blues rock master!) 67 UK M-/Ex 7480
19786 JOHN MAYALL / the blues alone(Mobile Fidelity MFSL1-246 G/F / UK blues rock)
     rare ltd Mobile Fidelity issue
67 US M-/M- 9800
21779 JOHNNY COPELAND / make my home where i hang my hat(Atlas LA25-5003 +inst)
     modern blues
83 JP M-/M- 1500
09627 JUICY LUCY / pieces(Polydor 2310160 good UK blues rock!!)
     f.Paul Williams,Micky Moody
72 UK M-/M- 6900
14250 JUNIOR WELLS / blues hit big town(P-Vine PLP379 +inst +obi / '53 - '54 his first recordings)
     f.Muddy Waters,Elmore James,Otis Spann,Willie Dixon,etc / late 80's issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
14248 JUNIOR WELLS / southside blues jam(P-Vine/Delmark PLP366 +inst +obi / '88 issue)
     f.Otis Spann,Buddy Guy,Louis Myers
88 JP M-/M- 2900
19941 LEE JACKSON / lonely girl(ABC/Bluesway BLS6083 Sdh,Stoc,bk & blue rim lab)
     chicago modern blues
74 US Ex/Ex 2500
21758 LEROY CARR / blues before sunrise(CBS/Sony SOPJ95 +inst /30's country blues /'75 issue)   JP Ex/M- 1500
19071 LIGHTNIN' HOPKINS / sings the blues(P-Vine PLP392 +inst +obi / '89 issue)
     '48 - 50's texas blues / black lady cvr as same as Crown label issue
  JP M-/M- 2500
  LITTLE HUDSON > see JOHN BRIM & LITTLE HUDSON / 50's chicago blues        
18470 LITTLE JOE BLUE / just like b.(Jewel/P-Vine PJ102 +inst +obi / '80 released P-Vine orig.LP)
     late 60's - early 70's modern blues
  JP M-/M- 2500
22650 LIVIN' BLUES / live '75(Ariola 89243XOT LC / Dutch heavy blues rock) 75 D M-/M- 6900
23669 LONSOME SUNDOWN / been gone too long(P-Vine MA-52 +inst +obi / modern blues) 78 JP Ex/M- 1900
21105 LOUISIANA RED / sings the blues(Atco SD33-389 yellow lab,Ssw / southern blues) 72 US M-/M- 2500
28840 LOVE SCULPTURE / forms and feelings(Parlophone PCS7090 LC,bk & silver lab / 70’s issue)
     UK blues rock 2nd / f.Dave Edmunds
69 UK Ex/M- 4900
19067 LOWELL FULSON / man on the run(Jewel/P-Vine PJ106 +inst +obi / '80 issue)
     60's - early 70's texas modern blues
  JP M-/M- 2900
21092 LOWELL FULSON / with lee allen(Yupiteru YR23-4003 +inst +obi / live in Tokyo '80) 81 JP M-/M- 1500
21792 LUTHER JOHNSON / north//south(Delmark DS647 ex-Muddy Waters' band / chicago blues) 82 US M-/M- 1500
14244a MAGIC SAM / live (P-Vine PLP9031/32 2LP,G/F / first released in 1981)
     at the ann arbour blues fes.Aug.1969 + west side club,1963/1964
81 JP M-/M-/M- 4900
29708 MAGIC SAM / out of bad luck(P-Vine PLP9011 +inst +obi<ex> / US chicago blues)
     ’57 - ’66 recordings on Cobra & Chielf / ’80 released on P-Vine / 帯に折り目有り
  JP M-/M- 3500
14238 MAGIC SAM / the magic sam legacy(P-Vine PLP516 +inst +obi / 60's chicago blues)
     unreleased materials & different versions / '89 issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
21074 MELVIN TAYLOR / plays the blues for you(Isabel 900.528 rec.in Paris /f.Lucky Peterson) 84 FR M-/M- 1500
26632 MICK CLARKE BAND / looking for trouble(Appaloosa AP038 / good UK blues rock)
     ex-Killing Floor / good guitar leads!
84 IT M-/M- 2900
21767 MIGHTY JOE YOUNG / blues with a touch of soul(Delmark DS629 chicago blues)
     white & blue lab / later issue
71 US M-/M- 1500
21082 MIGHTY JOE YOUNG / joe young(Ovation OV1706 Sdh / US chicago blues) 76 US M-/M- 2500
21083 MIGHTY JOE YOUNG / same(Sonet UPS648N +inst / US chicago blues) 73 JP M-/M- 1500
26000 MOJO BLUES BAND / hot bricks(Bellaphon 270.31.011 Austrian modern blues)
     with Dana Gillespie
84 D Ex/M- 1500
19085 MUDDY WATERS / fathers and sons(Chess/P-Vine PLP845/846 2LP,G/F +inst +obi)
     '85 issue / f.Otis Spann,Paul Butterfield,Mike Bloomfield,Sam Lay.etc
69 JP M-/M-/M- 3500
16610a MUDDY WATERS / muddy `mississippi? watrs live(Blue Sky 25AP1347 +inst +obi) 79 JP M-/M- 1900
12569a MUDDY WATERS / the warsaw session 1(Poljazz PSJ79 scarce Polish released US blues)
     recorded at Jazz Jamboree '76 in Warsaw,Poland
76 PO M-/M- 2900
19811 MUDDY WATERS / they call me(Chess CH1553 blue top lab / Chicago blues) 70 US Ex/Ex 2900
19938 MUDDY WATERS / woodstock album(Chess.Victor SWX6199 G/F +inst +obi) 75 JP Ex/M- 2900
21734 OTIS RUSH / blues live(Trio PA3086 +inst +poster +obi / rare live LP! / great modern blues)
     live at Hibiya,Tokyo,July 20 & 29,1975
75 JP Ex/M- 3900
21795 OTIS RUSH / live in europe(Isabel 900.521 live in Nancy,France,Oct.9.'77 / 80's release)   FR M-/M- 1500
09369 PAUL WILLIAMS & FRIENDS / in memory of robert johnson(Line 6.24212 UK blues)
     ex-Juicy Lucy,Tempest / f.Juicy Lucy's members + Spencer Davis
73 D M-/Ex 3900
32614 PAUL WILLIAMS & FRIENDS / in memory of robert johnson(Starday-King 1139 ex-Juicy Lucy)
     UK blues rock / f.Spencer Davis,Kieth Ellis,Glenn Campbell
72 US Ex+/Ex+ 7900
19043 PEPPERMINT HARRIS / shreveport downhome blues(Jewel/P-Vine PLP718 +inst +obi)
     60's teaxs blues / '80 issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
21073 PHIL GUY + MOJO BUFORD / tribute to muddy waters(Isabel 900.518 recorded in Paris) 83 FR M-/M- 1500
26757 POWDER BLUES / thirsty ears(Liberty LT1105 Canadian blues rock) 81 US M-/M- 1100
24939 RAINER BAUMANN BAND / same thing(Line LLP5256 German blues rock - modern blues) 83 D M-/M- 1500
17463 ROBERT JR.LOCKWOOD & JOHNNY SHINES / hangin' on(Rounder 2023 Chicago blues) 80 US M-/M- 1900
19862 ROBERT JR.LOCKWOOD / blues live(Art Union/Vivid KEN2001 +inst +obi)
     great live in Tokyo 1974 / f.Louis Myers
  JP M-/M- 3900
17462a ROBERT JR.LOCKWOOD / does 12(Trix 3317 '75 recorded Chicago blues) 77 US M-/M- 2900
19057 ROBERT NIGHTHAWK / bricks in my pillow(P-Vine PLP515 +inst +obi / '89 issue)
     early 50's chicago blues
  JP M-/M- 2900
19058 ROBERT NIGHTHAWK / live on maxwell street 1964(P-Vine PLP729 +inst +obi / '83 issue)
     f.Carey Bell / chicago blues / great slide guitar!
  JP M-/M- 2900
19039 ROOSEVELT SYKES / joint is jumping(P-Vine PLP9039 +inst +obi / '82 issue)
     50's jump blues
  JP M-/M- 2900
13803 SAVOY BROWN / wire fire(London PS659 Sdh / good UK blues rock) 75 US M-/Ex+ 2500
23156 SAVOY BROWN / wire fire(Nova 6.22373 UK blues rock) 75 D Ex/Ex 2500
11454a SHAKEY JAKE & THE ALL STARS / further on up the road(World Pacific WPS21886)
     bk & blue lab / US blues
69 US M-/M- 2900
21107 SHAKY JAKE HARRIS / the devil's harmonica(Line STLP4.00328 ltd White Vinyl / '80 issue)
     westcoast blues harp / f.John Mayall
71 D M-/M- 1500
19855 SLEEPY JOHN ESTES / the legend of…(Delmark/P-Vine PLP377 +inst +obi / country blues) 62 JP M-/M- 2900
21775 SMOKEY WILSON / blowin smoke(Big Town BT1001 funky modern blues / 1st) 77 US M-/M- 2900
18469 SYL JOHNSON / the love chimes(Hi HIUKLP404 '86 released comp.)
     60's - 70's funky blues - soul
  UK M-/M- 1500
14193a T-BONE WALKER / vol.II (Liberty LLS70050 +inst / US modern blues)
     40's - 50's materials inc,rare trks on Imperial
  JP M-/M- 2300
12035a TADEUSZ NALEPA / i dzem(Muza SX2598 Polish blues rock / ex-Breakout) 88 PO Ex/M- 3900
08144a TADEUSZ NALEPA / sen szalenca(Muza SX2437 Polish blues rock / ex-Breakout) 87 PO Ex/M- 3900
18472 TED TAYLOR / bluer than blues(Jewel/P-Vine PJ107 +inst +obi / 50's gospel blues - R&B)
     '81 issue
  JP M-/M- 2500
29151 TRAMLINE / somewhere down the line(A&M SP4208 WL,Srw / UK blues rock 1st)
     f.Micky Moody post-Whitesnake,John McCoy post-Gillan
68 US Ex/Ex 9800
12593 TRAMP / same(Spark SRLM2001 rare UK blues rock / f.Danny Kirwan,Jo-Anne Kelly) 69 UK M-/M- 9800
18426 VARIOUS / L.A.blues all night long(P-Vine PLP9050 +inst +obi / '82 released LP)
     inc,'78 recordings from Robert Cray,Floyd Dixon, David ll
     & '70 recordings from Bee Houston
  JP M-/M- 2500
19872 VARIOUS / black music in the 50's vol.5 ; down home chicago blues
     (P-Vine PLP9038 +inst +obi) f.Baby Face Leroy,Little Walter,Muddy Waters,
     J.B.Lenoir,Sunnyland Slim,Fat Man Wallace / '82 issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
19871 VARIOUS / black music in the 50's vol.8 ; chicago blues in the groove
     (P-Vine PLP9040 +inst +obi) f.Eddie Boyd,L.C.McKinley,Ernest Cotton,
     Eddie Ware,Jo Jo Williams,Morris Pejoe,Big Boy Spires & Willie Smith / '82 issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
14150 VARIOUS / blues 1920 - 40(RCA/Victor RA5433-35 3LP BOX +booklet +obi)
     戦前ブルースオムニバス / f.Tommy Johnson,Sleepy John Estes,Robert Lockwood,
     Leroy Carr,Big Bill Broonzy,Sonny Boy Williamson,Tampa Red,Jazz Gillum,etc
  JP M-/all M- 3900
19937 VARIOUS / bobby's harlem rock vol.1 ; N.Y. wild guitars(Fire/P-Vine PLP6008 +inst +obi)
     early 60's modern blues / f.Wild Jimmy Spruill,Titus Tee Turner,Charles Walker,
     Wibert Harrison,Charlie Lucas Combo,Riff Ruffin,Tarheel Slim & Little Ann
  JP M-/M- 2500
15323 VARIOUS / chicago ain't nothin' but a blues band(P-Vine PLP376 '58 - '60 Chicago blues)
     f.Sunnyland Slim,J.T.Brown,Eddie Clearwater,Jo Jo Williams,Morris Pejoe,etc
  JP M-/M- 2300
14179a VARIOUS / living chicago blues vol.1(Atlas LA23-3007 +inst +obi / early 80's chicago blues)
     f.Jimmy Johnson,Eddie Shaw & The Wolf Gang,Left Hand Frank
81 JP M-/M- 1900
14180a VARIOUS / living chicago blues vol.2(Atlas LA23-3008 +inst +obi / early 80's chicago blues)
     f.Carey Bell,Magic Slim & Teardrops,Johnny Big Moose Walker
81 JP M-/M- 1900
14181a VARIOUS / living chicago blues vol.3(Atlas LA23-3009 +inst +obi / early 80's chicago blues)
     f.Lonnie Brooks,Pinetop Perkins,S.O.B.Band
81 JP M-/M- 1900
21087 VARIOUS / oakland blues(United Artists LAX143 +inst +obi / late 60's westcoast blues)
     f.L.C.Good Rockin Robinson,Lafayette Thing Thomas,etc with Albert Collins
79 JP M-/M- 1500
32412 VARIOUS / san francisco blues festival(Jefferson BL602 live at Cisco Blues Fes.’76)
     f.Mike Bloomfield,Gary Smith,Charles Brown,Luther Tucker,Bernie Burns,
     Hi Tide Harris,A.C.Robinson,Robert Lowery,Little Frankie Lee
77 SW Ex+/M- 1900
19934 VARIOUS / screamin' & cryin'(P-Vine PLP9027 +inst +obi / '82 issue / rare LP)
     mid 50's - 60's chicago urban blues obs / f.Guitar Shorty,Arbee Stidham,
     Clarence Jolly,Morris Pejoe,A.C.Reed,Billy The Kid Emerson,Ricky Allen,etc
  JP M-/M- 2900
21726 VARIOUS / slidin' chicago(Chess/P-Vine PLP6074 +inst +obi / '86 issue / 60's chicago blues)
     f.Hound Dog Taylor,Joh Littlejohn,Earl Hooker
  JP M-/M- 2900
18574 VARIOUS / soul…in the beginning(Avco Embassy AVE33006 70's rare trk obs)
     f.Lightnin' Hopkins,Calvin Johnson & Johnny Winter,
     T-Bone Walker,Clifton Chenier,Billy Biser
  US Ex/Ex 1500
18812a VARIOUS / the kings sing the blues vol.2(Ace VS1011 +inst / 50's southern blues obs)
     '79 issue on Vivid / f.Buddy Guy,Sammy Myers,Mercy Baby,Jerry McCain,etc
  JP M-/M- 2500
19037 WILLIE MABON / i'm the fixer(P-Vine PLP9017 +inst +obi / 60's Chicago blues - R&B pianist)
     '80 issue
  JP M-/M- 2900
19866 WILLIE WILLIAMS / raw unpolluted soul<38 woman>(P-Vine PLP9055 +inst +obi / '88 issue)
     early 70's chicago blues / f.Hubert Sumlin,Carey Bell
  JP M-/M- 3500


12"/LP A-L
12"/LP M-Z