Heavy Metal ~ Hard
Rock A~B
HEAVY METAL~HARD ROCK> | A~B | C~D | E~I | J~L | M~O | P~R | S~T | U~Z |
No. | ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) | year | state | condition | price |
37187 | 220 VOLT / young an wild(CBS 450120 1
+in-slv / Swedish authentic metal - melodious metal) rare trk comp. inc, unreleased & single trks '83 - '87 |
87 | HO | M-/M- | 3900 |
36954 | A CHAVE DO SOL / same(Baratos Afins BA-019 rare 1st 6trk mini album / Brazilian authentic metal) | 85 | BR | Ex/M- | 4900 |
36953 | A CHAVE DO SOL / the key(Rock Brigade CAT RBR160/87 +in-slv, Stoc / Brazilian authentic metal) | 87 | BR | Ex/Ex+ | 4900 |
/ silver and gold(EMI 12EMP107 3trk12”) ltd poster cvr / ex-Iron Maiden |
89 | UK | Ex+/M- | 1000 |
/ down the wire(EMI EMPD131) ltd 2trk Spd Picture Vinyl +backing sheet / ex-Iron Maiden |
90 | UK | */Ex+ | 1000 |
33546 | AARONSROD / illusions kill(Roadrunner RR9690 US power metal 1st) | 86 | HO | Ex+/Ex+ | 2500 |
36577 | ACCEPT / breaker(Passport PB6010 German authentic metal classic! / US orig.) | 81 | US | M-/M- | 1900 |
33683 | ACID <GER> / don't lose your dreams(Megavolt MV2002 melodic German authentic metal 1st) | 89 | D | Ex+/M- | 6900 |
30061 | ADX / division blindee(Bernett/Emanes Metak METAL013 +inst,ltd 500 / French power metal) | 08 | FR | M-/UNP | 2500 |
32181i | AIRWOLF / victory bells(Power Line 807305-938 good German power metal 1st) | 88 | D | Ex/M- | 4900 |
29195b | ALAKRAN / otra vez en las calles(Halley CPP904 rare Argentina metal) | 91 | AG | Ex/Ex+ | 7900 |
BLP050 | ALCATRAZZ / disturbing the peace(Capitol ST-12385 +inst with shrink / f.Steve Vai) | 85 | US | M-/M- | 500 |
36584 | ALEX PARCH PROJECT / same(T.A.O.B.
Products SPV008-24751 German metal) f.Udo Dirkschneider, Fernando Garcia |
92 | D | M-/M- | 1500 |
ALP063 | ALMIGHTY / out of season(Polydor PZ266 4trk12”EP) | 93 | UK | M-/M- | 500 |
CLP041 | ALMIGHTY / jonestown mind(Chrysalis 12CHSP5017 4trk12" / ltd poster cvr / UK metal) | 94 | UK | M-/M- | 500 |
37452 | ALTA TENSAO / nigeria(Ariola Discos/Rock Brigade RBR280 +inst / Brazilian authentic metal 3rd) | 90 | BR | Ex+/Ex+ | 7900 |
28966b | ANDROIDS / let it all out(Flamingo FGL4028 +in-slv,T-split 6 / Finnish melodious hard) | 88 | FN | Ex/Ex | 3900 |
30505 | ANGEL WITCH / sweet danger(EMI 12EMI5064 rare 3trk12”EP / NWOBHM) | 80 | UK | */Ex | 2900 |
37335 | ANGELES DEL INFIERNO / diabolicca(WEA 24 0659-1 Spanish authentic metal 2nd) | 85 | SP | M-/Ex+ | 9800 |
29732 | ANGELES DEL INFIERNO / 666(WEA 244681-1 +inst / Spanish metal rare 4th) | 88 | SP | Ex/Ex | 8500 |
28060 | ANGELS & DEMONS / outlaw(SNC ME1825 Russian metal 1st / scarce LP) | 91 | RU | Ex+/Ex+ | 2900 |
22345 | ANTHRAX / got the time(Island 10IS476 gimmix G/F cvr,ltd 2trk10" c/w Who Put This…) | 90 | UK | M-/M- | 1500 |
22347 | ANTHRAX / bring the noise(Island
10IS490 gimmix triple G/F,ltd 2trk10"PD) c/w i am the law '91 |
91 | UK | Ex/M- | 1500 |
CLP60 | ANTHRAX / persistence of mine(Island ILPSP9967 ltd PD +backing sheet) | 91 | UK | */Ex | 1000 |
35425 | ANTHRAX / blacklodge(Elektra EKR171TE ltd 4trk10”EP) | 93 | UK | M-/Ex | 1000 |
35426 | ANTHRAX / blacklodge(Elektra EKR171TP ltd Picture 4trk12”EP + backing sheet) | 93 | UK | */Ex | 1000 |
30108j | ANTIDOTO / objeto sexual(Caskabel CKL058 +inst / very rare Spanish metal 1st) | 88 | SP | M-/M- | 19800 |
30583n | ANTIX / get up,get happy(Enigma E-1141 +inst / 5trk mini LP / US metal / Prod:Don Dokken) | 84 | US | M-/M- | 2900 |
32134 | ANVIL / backwaxed(Viper/Roadrunner
RR9776 ’81 - ’85 rare trks comp. / Canadian metal) ’85年にリリースされた'81 - ’85年の初期のレアトラック集 |
85 | HO | Ex/M- | 1000 |
29624 | APOCALYPSE / same(Crash CRA001 +in-slv
/ Swiss’ thrash / rare ltd 500 original issue!) 英盤とは全く異なるスイス・オリジナル・ジャケ! |
87 | SZ | M-/M- | 6900 |
36496 | ARIA <АРИЯ> / hero of a
speedway(Melodia C60 27413 000 Srw) good Russian authentic metal 3rd) |
87 | RU | Ex/M- | 3900 |
37314 | ARMED FORCES / let there be metal(Metallic Flame AF001 +inst, with shrink,5trk EP/ US authentic metal) | 84 | US | M-/M- | 4900 |
32808 | ARMORED SAINT / lesson well learned(Metal Blade MBR1009 +inst / rare 1st 3trk EP) | 83 | US | Ex+/M- | 4900 |
32428 | ATC / cut in ice(Vertigo 818416-1
+in-slv / Swedish authentic metal rare LP) 盤、内袋によるスレ多数・音は良好 / looks VG,sounds Excellent |
84 | SW | Ex/VG+ | 1500 |
32761 | ATOM SEED / get in line(Heavy Metal HMRLP163 UK metal 1st) | 90 | D | M-/Ex+ | 1500 |
34330k | ATTENTAT ROCK / le gang des saigneurs(Devils MAD2002 LC / authentic French metal) | 84 | FR | M-/M- | 3900 |
34666 | ATTITUDE / the good, the Bad, the obnoxious(We Bite 028 5trk / US crossover - thrash) | 87 | D | M-/M- | 2500 |
30107b | AVALANCH / ready to the glory(Vodu VURE1L Spanish authentic metal 1st) | 93 | SP | Ex/M- | 12800 |
36580 | AVENGER <UK> / killer elite(Neat 1026 +inst / NWOBHM ? UK power metal 2nd) | 85 | UK | M-/M- | 2900 |
17848 | AXE / offering(Atco SD38- 148 US hard 3rd / f.Bobby Barth) | 82 | US | M-/M- | 1500 |
36136 | AXEWITCH / pray for metal(Axewitch
AXE-MS-001 ltd Blue Vinyl ,4trk12”EP +poster) Swedish authentic metal |
82 | SW | Ex+/Ex+ | 6900 |
37356 | AZUL LIMAO / ordem &
progresso(Dies Irae IRAE008 Blue Vinyl +inst +obi, ltd RE
'01) Brazil' authenitc metal 6 trks mini album +5 bonus |
87 | BR | M-/M- | 3900 |
32961 | AZUL LIMAO / pegasus ; the tapes
vol.1(Dies Irae IRAE009 ltd Blue Vinyl +inst +obi) 80's authentic Brazilian metal rare trks |
BR | M-/UNP | 2500 | |
32962 | AZUL LIMAO / amazona ; the tapes
vol.2(Dies Irae IRAE010 ltd Blue Vinyl +inst +obi) 80's authentic Brazilian metal rare trks |
BR | M-/UNP | 2500 | |
34849 | BADGER BELL BAND / faceless gang(High
Roller HRR205 +inst / ’80 - ’84 NWOBHM rare trks) 超レアな2枚のシングル5曲と'80年の前身バンド、Noizegateの2曲を収録 |
12 | D | M-/UNP | 1500 |
32204 | BAE JAE BUM / double tension(SEM SEL-RO1007 rare solo of ex-Dionysus guitarist) | 92 | KR | M-/SS | 2900 |
32205 | BAEKDOOSAN / king of rock’n roll(Seorabul SRB0204 +inst / melodic Korean metal) | 87 | KR | M-/M- | 5900 |
19322g | BANZAI / alive n' screamin'(Claxon CX1001 Bt-split 5,Bk-split 8 / rare Spanish metal) | 88 | SP | Ex/M- | 4900 |
36578 | BARON ROJO / baron al rojo
vivo(Mausoleum BALLS834546 2LP,G/F / good live album!) Spanish authentic metal |
84 | BL | Ex/ Ex+/Ex+ |
2500 |
29733 | BARON ROJO / en un lugar de la marcha(Chapa ZL645 +in-slv / Spanish authentic metal 4th) | 85 | SP | Ex/M- | 8500 |
35970f | BB ROCK / make it move(Ewita LSPLP207 authentic Swedish hard - metal trio like 70's) | 83 | SW | Ex+/M- | 4900 |
15693 | BEDLAM / the beauties and the beast(Virgin BEDLP1 +in-slv / 6trk MLP / Swedish metal) | 85 | SW | Ex/Ex | 2900 |
30462 | BENEFACTOR DECEASE / massive spreads
of death(Anger Of Metal AOM010 +in-slv) Greek thrash / ltd 500 6trk12”EP |
08 | D | M-/Ex+ | 1650 |
36444 | BERNIE TORME / turn out the lights(Kamaflage KAMLP2 ltd White Vinyl / ex-Gillan) | 82 | UK | Ex+/M- | 1900 |
26279 | BERNIE TORME / electric gypsies(Zebra ZEB1 LC / ex-Gillan / UK hard - NWOBHM) | 83 | FR | Ex+/M- | 1200 |
ALP062 | BERNIE TORME / live(Zebra MZEB3 +in-slv / ex-Gillan / UK hard - NWOBHM) | 84 | FR | M-/M- | 1500 |
ALP045 | BERNIE TORME / my baby loves a vampire(Zebra 12RA2 2trk12”EP inc,live trk) | 84 | UK | Ex/M- | 500 |
12351 | BETWEEN THE SHEETS / taste(BTS 800001 private German hard pop) | 87 | D | M-/Ex | 1500 |
37364 | BISCAYA / same(RCA RPL8260 +inst +obi / Swedish metal classic / 1st) | 84 | JP | M-/M- | 3900 |
34835i | BITCHES SIN / the ultimate
invaders(High Roller HRR319 2LP,G/F, ltd Purple Vinyl
+booklet) 収録曲の異なる2種類のアルバムに4曲のボーナス / NWOBHM 2nd inc,2 different track listings LPs +4 bonus / '13 issue |
86 | D | M-/UNP | 3900 |
ALP037 | BLACK ‘N BLUE / nasty nasty(Geffen GHS24111 US metal 3rd) | 86 | US | Ex+/M- | 800 |
37373 | BLACK COFFEE / step over the threshold(Melodia C60 26139 006 rare Russian metal 1st) | 87 | RU | Ex+/M- | 2500 |
32806g | BLACK COFFEE / life never waits(Melodia C60 29491 006 Russian metal 2nd) | 90 | RU | M-/M- | 2900 |
30424 | BLACK COFFEE / golden lady(Ordem 1-005-C-6-9 ,LC / Russian metal / rarest 3rd LP!) | 92 | RU | Ex+/Ex+ | 4180 |
37168 | BLACK ROSE / boys will be boys(Bullet BULP3 +inst / NWOBHM classic) | 84 | UK | Ex/Ex | 3900 |
same<brethe>(Rising Sun 008200IRS US power metal
1st) '98 released ltd 1000 PD / ex-Oliver Magnum,Forte |
97 | D | */M- | 1500 |
37354 | BLADE RUNNER / hunted(Ebony EBON-21 NWOBHM 1st / vinyl made in France) | 84 | UK | M-/M- | 4900 |
37191 | BLASPHEME / same(Lizard 3814 LC / French authentic metal 1st) | 83 | FR | Ex+/M- | 5900 |
37362 | BLIND GUARDIAN / follow the blind(No Remorse NRR1006 +inst / German power metal 2nd) | 89 | D | M-/M- | 6900 |
36586 | BLIND PETITION / perversum maximum(Breakin 38803 G/F / Austrian authentic metal 2nd) | 88 | AR | Ex+/M- | 3900 |
32848 | BLIND PETITION / 1990 live(Energy LP080-96411 2LP,G/F +2 x in-slv / good Austrian metal) | 90 | EU | Ex+/M-/M- | 2500 |
23265 | BLITZ / do the blitz(Steamhammer SPV060-76241 G/F,6trk MLP / good German metal) | 90 | D | Ex+/M- | 1900 |
27563b | BLIZZARD / fading away(- - - very rare private 4trk12”EP / authentic Swedish metal) | 87 | SW | M-/M- | 14800 |
32302 | BODINE / bold as brass(Rhinoceros WEA58481 authentic Dutch metal) | 82 | HO | Ex+/M- | 1500 |
35132 | BON JOVI / hardest part is the night(Vertigo VERX22 3trk12”EP) | 85 | UK | M-/M- | 1000 |
35152 | BONFIRE / rivers of glory(RCA PT45088 3trk12”EP / German hard rock) | 91 | D | M-/M- | 500 |
35151 | BONFIRE / the stroke(RCA PT44878 3trk12”EP / German hard rock) | 91 | D | M-/M- | 500 |
32206 | BORN AGAIN / remember(Seoul SPDR096 +inst / melodious Korean hard pop) | 87 | KR | M-/M- | 2500 |
31293 | BRAINSTORM / overkill(Wishbone F668755 4trk / good German metal like NWOBHM) | 84 | D | Ex/M- | 3900 |
37365 | BRAT / sword and stone(Hades Paradise HP002 +inst / ltd 500 / rare trks recorded in '84 / US metal) | 03 | US | M-/M- | 3900 |
30152 | BRITTON / rock hard(BR BSR71288 toc / US metal) | 88 | US | Ex/M- | 1500 |
20931 | BRUCE DICKINSON / tattooed millionaire(EMI 12EM138 ltd poster cvr,3trk12") | 90 | UK | M-/M- | 500 |
19355 | BULLET / execution(Lark INL3532
orthodox German hard - metal / Prod;Dieter Dierks) ジャケ上、セロテープによる補強あり |
82 | BL | Ex/Ex | 1000 |
33492 | BULLET / full pull(Nuclear Blast
27361-29031 ltd 250,Gold Vinyl ,G/F +poster +in-slv) Swedish authentic metal 4th |
12 | EU | M-/M- | 2000 |
JAZZ | 国内ロック ~DOMESTIC |
JAZZ | 国内ロック ~DOMESTIC |