Heavy S~T
Progressive ~Psychedelic LP > |
A~C | D~F | G~H | I~K | L~N | O~R | S~T | U~Z |
No. | ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) | year | state | condition | price |
30226 | S VREMENA NA VREME / paviljon g(RTB LP5363 Serbia’ prog.folk rock) | 79 | YU | Ex/Ex+ | 5280 |
29715 | SABU / same(MCA 3236 Srw,Swoc,promo stamp on cvr / US melodious hard pop / 6trk) | 80 | US | Ex-/M- | 1500 |
25942 | SAGA / in transit(Maze ML8006 +in-slv / Canadian prog.hard) | 82 | C | Ex/M- | 1500 |
32625e | SAMMY / same(Philips 6308136 LC / bluesy & heavy UK rock / f.Keith Gemmell ex-Audience) | 73 | D | M-/M- | 6900 |
31451 | SAMURAI / same(Guerssen GUESS071 G/F, ltd RE of very rare UK heavy prog.) | 71 | SP | M-/SS | 2500 |
26173 | SAVOY / ultimul romantic 1(Electrecord ST-EDE03301 mellow Romanian prog.pop) | 87 | RO | M-/M- | 1900 |
FATHERINGAY / live concerts(GB GEMA231 live LP) early 70’s British rock rare live |
EU | M-/M- | 2900 | |
32078c | SAVVY / made in texas(Made In Texas MIT8201 +bio sheet/private US melodious hard pop) | 82 | US | M-/M- | 7900 |
36288 | SBB / ze slowem biegne do ciebie(Muza SX1434 Polish jazz rock - prog. 4th) | 77 | PO | Ex+/M- | 3900 |
31527a | SBB / same <wolanie o brzek szkla> (Supraphon 1 13 2218H / LC / Polish jazz rock - prog.) | 78 | CZ | M-/M- | 3900 |
13863a | SCHLOSS / same(Oasis OCLP5002 German hard pop 1st / Bt-split 7) | 75 | US | Ex/Ex | 1500 |
28111a | SEBASTIAN HARDIE / windchase(Polydor 2907024 melodious Aussie prog.2nd) | 76 | AU | M-/M- | 4900 |
30101e | SECOND HAND / reality(Sunbeam
SBRLP5031 G/F,deluxe RE of rare UK psyche. - acid prog) remastered edition ’07 / 180g vinyl |
68 | UK | M-/SS | 2900 |
23144 | SEGUIN / en attendant(Warner Bros.
WSC9015 melodious Canadian prog.folk) with female vox / ex-Harmonium |
74 | C | Ex+/M- | 3900 |
15560f | SEGUIN / festin' d'amour(CBS PFS90385
+in-slv +inst / Canadian prog.folk / female vox) ex-Harmonium / good condition |
76 | C | Ex/Ex | 3900 |
28117 | SEMINAL M / planeta visurilor
noastre(Electrecord ST-EDE02146 Bt-split 9,toc) early 80’s mellow Romanian rock + prog. |
RO | Ex-/Ex | 1000 | |
35403 | SENSATION’S FIX / finest finger(Polydor 2448048 G/F,LC +in-slv / Italian prog.4th) | 76 | IT | M-/Ex+ | 7480 |
30227 | SEPTEMBER / domovino moja(RTV/Ljubljana LD0465 G/F +in-slv / Slovenia’ jazz rock - prog.) | 79 | YU | Ex/Ex- | 6900 |
34774 | SEVENTH WAVE / things to come(Gull GULP1001 UK prog.classic / 1st / ex-Second Hand) | 74 | UK | M-/Ex | 3080 |
25163 | SEVENTH WAVE / things to come(Janus JXS7008 Bt-split 10,cc / UK prog.) | 74 | US | Ex/M- | 1900 |
31119 | SEVENTH WAVE / psi-fi(Gull GULP1010 UK prog. - synthesiser / f.Ken Elliott ex-Second Hand) | 75 | UK | Ex/M- | 3520 |
36907 | SFF <SCHICKE FUHRS FROHLING> / sunburst(Brain UXP-752-EB +inst +obi / German prog.2nd) | 78 | JP | M-/Ex+ | 3900 |
29180a | SFINX / same(Electrecord ST-EDE02513 Romanian prog.rare 3rd) | 83 | RO | Ex/M- | 2900 |
35288 | SHAFTSBURY / we are the boys(OK OKA002 rare UK heavy prog.2nd) | 81 | UK | Ex+/M- | 6900 |
конникът <rider>(Balkanton BTA11531) good melodious Bulgarian hard |
85 | BG | Ex/M- | 2500 |
musketeer's march(Balkanton BTA12050) melodious Bulgarian hard |
87 | BG | Ex+/Ex+ | 1500 |
37419 | SILVERHEAD / live at the rainbow
london(EMI EMS80351 +inst +iobi, WL / UK hard rocxk) rare Japan only released live LP! |
75 | JP | Ex/M- | 4900 |
35038a | SIR LORD BALTIMORE / same(Mercury SRM1613 G/F,Sdh / rare US heavy rock) | 71 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 5900 |
33447e | SKID ROW / 34 hours(CBS 64411 G/F,LC,orange lab / f.Gary Moore) | 71 | HO | M-/Ex+ | 6900 |
22441b | SKID ROW / 34 hours(CBS 64411 G/F,orange lab / f.Gary Moore) | 71 | UK | M-/M- | 11800 |
34351 | SKID ROW / gary moore + brush shiels +
noel bridgeman(Essential ESSLP025) '90 released 70's unreleased 3rd album |
90 | UK | M-/M- | 2500 |
34187 | SKORPIO / kelj fel <wake up>(Pepita SLPX1751 LC / Hungarian hard rock 3rd) | 77 | HU | Ex+/M- | 2500 |
28529 | SKORPIO / gyere velem(Pepita SLPX17575 +inst,LC / Hungarian hard) | 78 | HU | M-/Ex | 1500 |
23150 | SKORPIO / same(Pepita SLPX17629 Hungarian hard rock 5th) | 80 | HU | M-/M- | 1900 |
32077 | SKORPIO / aranyalbum 1973 -
1983(Pepita SLPM17765 LC / ’83 released comp.) Hungarian hard rock |
83 | HU | M-/Ex | 1000 |
33000c | SKY HIGH / same(Good Vibes GV001 Swedish heavy blues rock - hard rock 1st) | 80 | SW | Ex+/M- | 6900 |
35872 | SOCRATES / on the wings(P.I. PILPS9002 great Greek hard rock - heavy prog. rare 3rd) | 73 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 16800 |
33118e | SOFT MACHINE / third(CBS 66246
2LP,G/F,orange lab,Srw / UK canterbury prog. - jazz rock) f.Hugh Hopper,Robert Wyatt,Elton Dean |
70 | UK | Ex/M-/M- | 6900 |
29978c | SOFT MACHINE / six(CBS 68214 2LP,G/F,orange lab / UK canterbury prog. - jazz rock) | 73 | UK | Ex+/ Ex+/M- |
5900 |
30070e | SOFT MACHINE / softs(Harvest SHSP4056 LC / UK prog. / f.John Etheridge) | 76 | UK | Ex+/M- | 2900 |
29514 | SOFT MACHINE / triple echo(Harvest/EMI
SHTW800 3LP,boxed cvr,LC +bklt +3 x in-slv) UK canterbury prog. ’67 - ’78 comp. inc,rare trks! |
77 | UK | Ex/M-/ Ex/M- |
10780 |
WYATT / canterbury tapes(Pork Four/Five - - -) ’69 - ’75 rare live & radio sessions / collectors 2LP |
Ex/M-/M- | 4900 | ||
36378 | SOLID GOLD CADILLAC / same(RCA SF8311) UK jazz rock - prog. f.Mike Westbrook | 72 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 8580 |
36381 | SOLSTICE / silent dance(Equinox EQRLP001 G/F / UK symphonic prog.) | 84 | UK | M-/M- | 6900 |
08639 | SOLUTION / divergance(Harvest/Gramophone 5C056-24541 Dutch jazz rock - prog. /LC) | 71 | HO | M-/M- | 2900 |
36840 | SONJA KRISTINA / same(Chopper CHOPE5
rare solo / UK female prog.pop / Stoc) ex-Curved Air |
80 | UK | Ex/M- | 6900 |
from the acid folk(Fruithouse FHLP1 ex-Curved Air) UK progressive folk rock / female vo |
91 | UK | M-/M- | 4900 |
31116 | SORCERY / stunt rock(Moving Image
Entertaintment MIE006/2 2LP inc,PD / deluxe G/F) 180g vinyl re-issue of very rare Dutch only released US hard rock! |
78 | IT | M-/UNP | 4500 |
same(Harvest/Gramophone SHVL801 G.F,TC) UK heavy prog.1st / Prod;Greg Lake |
72 | UK | Ex/Ex | 14800 |
31424 | SPY / same(Kirshner NJZ36378 +in-slv / good US prog.hard) | 80 | US | M-/Ex+ | 1500 |
28330 | STAMPEDE <D> / same(Rock Port RO005 +in-slv / authentic German hard rock) | 81 | D | Ex/M- | 1900 |
21392 | STARDRIVE / intergalactic(Elektra EKS75058 US prog.classic) | 73 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 4180 |
PG039 | STARZ / attention please(Capitol ST-11730 +in-slv / US hard rock 3rd) | 78 | US | Ex+/M- | 500 |
32812 | STEAMHAMMER / reflection(CBS 63611
G/F,orange lab / rare UK original yellow cvr!) UK heavy blues rock 1st / f.Martin Pugh / ジャケ左端、セロテープの補強跡有 |
69 | UK | Ex-/Ex | 12800 |
25943 | STEVE HOWE / the steve howe album(Atlantic K50621 G/F / ex-Yes / f.Claire Hamill) | 79 | UK | Ex/M- | 2900 |
31103 | STINGRAY / same(Carrere CAL113 South African prog.hard) | 79 | UK | Ex/M- | 1900 |
33811 | STINGRAY / same(Carrere CAR38-127 South African prog.hard / promo stamp on back cvr) | 79 | US | Ex+/M- | 1000 |
21895f | STINGRAY / operation stingray(Carrere 67.660 LC / good South African prog.hard) | 81 | FR | M-/M- | 3900 |
22883 | STORM / same(Capitol ST12259 good US melodious hard rare 2nd like Queen / female vox) | 83 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 1500 |
28552 | STRAIGHT SHOOTER / get straight(Sky 018 German hard 1st / Prod;Conny Plank) | 78 | D | M-/M- | 3900 |
33602 | STRAIGHT SHOOTER / my time - your time(Sky 034 +in-slv,LC / German hard rock 2nd) | 79 | D | Ex+/Ex | 2500 |
35090 | STRAIGHT SHOOTER / flyin’ straight(Sky 054 +in-slv,LC / German hard rock 3rd) | 81 | D | M-/M- | 2900 |
PG089 | STRAPPS / prisoner of your love(Toshiba EMI EMS-80999 +inst +obi / UK hard 3rd) | 78 | JP | Ex+/M- | 1500 |
29538 | STRAWBS / dragonfly(A&M AMLS970 TC,brown lab / UK prog.folk rock / f.Dave Cousins) | 70 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 8580 |
19208f | STRAWBS / grave new world(A&M AMLH68078 G/F +bklt,brown lab / UK prog.classic) | 72 | UK | Ex/Ex | 3900 |
33909 | STRAWBS / ghosts(A&M SP4506 +in-slv / progressive UK folk rock / f.Dave Cousins) | 75 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 1500 |
35421 | STRAWBS / nomadness(A&M AMLH68331 +inst,LC / UK prog. / f.Dave Cousins) | 75 | UK | M-/Ex | 2900 |
35275 | STRAWBS / deep cuts(Oyster 2391234 +inst / melodious UK prog. / f.Dave Cousins) | 76 | UK | M-/M- | 2900 |
29469a | STRAWBS / burning for you(Oyster/Polydor 2391287 +in-slv / UK prog. / f.David Cousins) | 77 | UK | M-/M- | 3500 |
29537 | STRAWBS / deadlines(Arista SPART1036 G/F / f.Dave Cousins) | 78 | UK | M-/M- | 3850 |
36716 | STRAY DOG / same(Manticore P-8403M +2 x inst +obi ,TC / UK hard rock 1st / JPN orig.) | 73 | JP | Ex+/M- | 3900 |
PG063 | STRIFE / back to thunder(Gull VIP-6598 no inst / UK hard rock 2nd) | 78 | JP | M-/M- | 1000 |
35295 | STRIDER / exposed(GM GML1002) G/F, great UK hard rock 1st | 73 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 6820 |
21390 | STRING DRIVEN THING / please mind your head(20th Century T-470 cc / melodious UK prog.) | 74 | US | M-/M- | 1900 |
10665 | SUGAR CREEK / please tell a
friend(Akarma AK151 G/F,TC / deluxe RE of rare LP) good US heavy rock |
69 | IT | M-/SS | 2600 |
32992 | SUNDIAL / acid yantra(Acme AC8011LP G/F / UK spacy heavy psyche.) | 95 | UK | M-/M- | 2500 |
33763 | SURRENDER / same(Capitol ST11938 +in-slv / Canadian melodious hard pop - AOR) | 79 | US | Ex/SS | 2500 |
26073f | SYNKOPY 61 / xantipa(Panton 02 0414
good Czech’ organ heavy like Uriah Heep) rare 10”LP inc,2 covers from Uriah Heep / post-Synkopy |
73 | CZ | Ex/Ex | 6900 |
29413 | SYNKOPY 61 / formule 1(Panton 22 0503) LC,10"LP, rare Czech organ hard like Uriah Heep | 75 | CZ | Ex+/Ex+ | 6380 |
32995 | SYSTEM / what we are(Nova 6.22230 +inst / German hard rock 2nd) | 75 | D | Ex/M- | 1900 |
32063 | TAGGET / same(United Artists
UA-LA407-G melodious & hard UK rock) f.Colin Horton-Jennings ex-Greatest Show On Earth, Tim Wheatley ex-Gracious |
75 | US | M-/SS | 1500 |
22029 | TAI PHONG / last flight(Warner Bros. 56740 T-split 5 / French prog.rare 3rd) | 79 | FR | Ex+/M- | 3900 |
36138 | TANGERINE DREAM / rubycon(Virgin V2025 G/F,LC ,red dragon colour lab / German electro) | 75 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 2500 |
27406 | TANTRA / misterios e maravilhas(EMI 8E068 40454 rare Portuguese symphonic prog.1st) | 77 | PG | Ex/Ex- | 6900 |
32365 | TANTRA / holocausto(EMI 8E07240478 G/F / very rare Portguese prog.2nd) | 78 | PG | Ex+/Ex+ | 6900 |
23450 | TARGET / captured(A&M SP4652
Sdh,WL +promo sheet & photo / US hard 2nd) f.Jimi Jamison post-Survivor |
77 | US | Ex/Ex | 1900 |
31015 | TAXI / same(Sonopresse 2S068-16.687 LC / French hard rock) | 79 | FR | M-/M- | 3080 |
35389a | TEA / the ship(Philips 9118001 LC / Swiss' hard rock 2nd / f.Mark Storace post-Krokus) | 75 | UK | Ex+/M- | 4900 |
09945 | TEA / tax exile(Vertigo 6360637 LC / Swiss' hard / f.Mark Storace post-Krokus) | 76 | D | M-/M- | 3900 |
32551 | TED NUGENT / free for all(Epic EPC81397 G/F,orange lab / US hard rock) | 76 | UK | Ex/Ex+ | 1500 |
35650 | TERRACED GARDEN / melody &
menace(Melody & Menace CT1956) +in-slv,Sdh fine Canadian prog. rare private released 1st |
83 | C | Ex+/M- | 3080 |
34333 | TERRY BROOKS & STRANGE / to earth
with love(Star People SPR0005) ltd marbled Green Vinyl / US hard psyche. with good fuzz guitar! |
80 | US | Ex+/M- | 2500 |
32398a | TESKA INDUSTRIJA / ho-ruk(Jugoton
LSY63052 G/F / very rare Yugo' heavy prog.) 盤、スリキズ多数・音はまずまず良好 |
76 | YU | Ex-/VG | 6900 |
26626f | TEST / same(Pronit SXL1082 rare Polish bluesy heavy rock / good drivin' guitar!) | 74 | PO | Ex/M- | 6900 |
13229 | THIJS VAN LEER / introspection(CBS 64589 orange lab / Dutch prog. / ex-Focus) | 72 | HO | Ex/Ex+ | 1500 |
32666e | THIN LIZZY / johnny the fox(Vertigo 9102012 +in-slv / UK hard classic) | 76 | UK | Ex/M- | 2900 |
36407 | THIRD EAR BAND / alchemy(Harvest/EMI
SHVL756 G/F,LC, boxed EMI logo on lab) UK prog.1st / early 70’s issue |
69 | UK | M-/M- | 3520 |
31858 | THIRD EAR BAND / same(Harvest/EMI SHVL773) G/F,LC, EMI/Harvest with EMI logolab,UK prog.2nd | 70 | UK | Ex+/Ex | 3850 |
23484 | THIRD EAR BAND / macbeth(Harvest/Gramophone SHSP4019 TC,Swobc / UK prog.) | 72 | UK | Ex/Ex | 9800 |
36044 | THIRD EAR BAND / magic music(Materiali
Sonori MASO33053 +in-slv / original LP!) UK avantgarde - prog. / 盤、内袋によるスレ有・音は影響なし |
90 | IT | M-/Ex | 2500 |
32366e | TIGER / same(Retreat RTL6006
+in-slv,TC / bluesy & mellodious UK hard 1st) f.Big Jim Sullivan,Les Walker,Nicky Moore ex-Hackensack |
76 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 6900 |
33506 | TIGER / same(Warner Bros.BS2940 bluesy
UK hard 1st / Ssw) f.Nicky Moore,Les Walker,Big Jim Sullivan |
76 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 2500 |
32020a | TIGER / goin’ down laughing(EMI
EMC3153 +in-slv,rw / bluesy & hard UK rock 2nd) f.Nicky Moore,Les Walker,Big Jim Sullivan |
76 | UK | Ex-/Ex+ | 2900 |
32367h | TIGER B.SMITH / we're the tiger
bunch(Bacillus BLPS19176Q G/F / German hard rock) rare original cover |
74 | D | M-/Ex+ | 8800 |
33830e | TIGER B.SMITH / we’re the tiger bunch(Janus JXS7007 good German hard rock 2nd / Scc) | 75 | US | Ex+/Ex+ | 3900 |
36193 | TIME<UK> / same(Buk BULP2005 LC,
rwobc / UK prog.hard with drivin’ guitar leads) ex-Spontaneous Combustion |
75 | UK | Ex/M- | 18800 |
30146a | TIME<YU> /Ⅱ(RTB LP55 5251 G/F,Stoc,orange lab / Croatia’ melodious prog.- heavy 2nd) | 75 | YU | Ex/M- | 14800 |
10899 | TITANIC / eagle rock(CBS S65661 G/F,orange lab / Norwegian & UK heavy rock) | 73 | HO | M-/M- | 3900 |
16810b | TITANIC / return of drakkar(Barclay 900542 LC / UK & Norwegian hard) | 77 | FR | M-/Ex | 3900 |
33150 | TOAD / tomorrow blue(Akarma AK082 G/F,180g vinyl / RE of very rare Swiss’ heavy rock 2nd) | 73 | IT | M-/UNP | 2500 |
27609 | TOAD / dreams(Akarma AK083 Colour Vinyl +7" single / deluxe RE of rare Swiss' hard 3rd) | 74 | IT | M-/UNP | 2900 |
33394 | TOLLHOUSE / same(Nova 6.23430 dh,LC / rare German rock / f.Dirk Steffens) | 78 | D | Ex/M- | 2500 |
22455 | TOM NEWMAN / faerie symophony(Decca
TXS123 G/F / mellow UK prog.pop) good fantasic cvr by Jim Fitzpatrick |
77 | UK | Ex+/M- | 9350 |
30976 | TON SCHERPENZEEL / le carnaval des
animaux(Ariola 200781-320 Ssw / ex-Kayak) classical Dutch prog. |
78 | D | Ex/M- | 1500 |
23184 | TOPO / same(Chapa HS35011 G/F +in-slv / Spanish prog.hard rare LP) | 78 | SP | M-/M- | 6380 |
26920e | TOPO / marea negra(Epic EPC85963 melodious Spanish prog.hard) | 82 | SP | Ex/Ex | 3900 |
PG094 | TRACE / birds(Philips BT-5193 +inst ,blue Philips lab / Dutch prog. classic / 2nd / ’78 issue) | 75 | JP | M-/M- | 1000 |
PG095 | TRACE / the white ladies(Vertigo RJ-7288 +inst, ufo lab / Dutch prog.classic / 3rd) | 76 | JP | M-/M- | 1000 |
22623 | TRANS EUROPE EXPRESS / living for the
rock and roll(Pole 0012 G/F,LC) good French hard R&R 1st with bluesy drivin' guitar leads |
76 | FR | M-/M- | 4180 |
36778 | TRAPEZE / same(Warner Bros. K56165 UK hard rock / f.Mel Galley, Dave Holland) | 75 | UK | Ex+/Ex+ | 2900 |
09680 | TREVOR RABIN / wolf(Chrysalis
202847-320 post-Yes / good UK prog.hard 3rd) Prod;Ray Davies of Kinks / f.Simon Philips,Mo Foster |
80 | D | M-/M- | 1900 |
32023 | TRIGGER / same(Casablanca NBLP7092 US hard rock) | 78 | US | M-/Ex | 500 |
33473 | TRILLION / same(Epic JE35460 +in-slv,Srw / good US prog.hard 1st) | 78 | US | Ex+/M- | 3080 |
34059 | TRILLION / clear approach(Epic JE36206 sobc,Ssoc,WL / melodious US prog.hard 2nd) | 80 | US | Ex/Ex+ | 1500 |
23141a | TRITONUS / between the universes(Acanta CC22.946 rare German prog.2nd like ELP) | 77 | D | M-/M- | 5900 |
34180 | TRIUMPH / same(Attic LAT1012 Canadian hard original 1st!) | 76 | C | M-/M- | 2900 |
36811 | TRIUMPH / just a game(Attic LAT1061 G/F, with shrink / Canadian hard rock 3rd) | 79 | C | Ex+/M- | 1900 |
32404 | TROOPER / two for the show(MCA MCA2214 Canadian hard rock) | 76 | C | M-/Ex+ | 1000 |
32405 | TROOPER / thick as thieves(MCA 2377 bk
& rainbow lab,Ssoc / Canadian hard) Prod;Randy Bachman |
78 | US | Ex/Ex+ | 1000 |
32407 | TROOPER / same(MCA 5151 +in-slv / good Canadian hard) | 80 | US | M-/Ex+ | 1000 |
32408 | TROOPER / the last of the gypsies(WEA 25-64431 Sdh / melodious Canadian hard) | 89 | C | M-/M- | 1000 |
28334 | TRUE MYTH / same(WEA TMD2020 G/F +inst,Sdh / Canadian prog.1st) | 79 | C | M-/Ex+ | 3520 |
32075 | TURBO <HO> / same(CBS 83625 +in-slv / Dutch hard 1st / 盤、軽いスレあり) | 79 | HO | Ex-/Ex- | 1000 |
32024 | TURBO <HO> / you girl(CBS 84117 Dutch hard rock / f.Rick Kemper post-Vandenberg) | 79 | HO | Ex/Ex | 2500 |
33417 | TWELFTH NIGHT / live and let live(Music For Nations MFN18 G/F / UK prog.) | 84 | UK | Ex+/M- | 1200 |
Progressive ~Psychedelic LP > |
A~C | D~F | G~H | I~K | L~N | O~R | S~T | U~Z |
JAZZ | 国内ロック ~DOMESTIC |
JAZZ | 国内ロック ~DOMESTIC |