Heavy Metal ~ Hard Rock S~T



No.       ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) year state condition price
36673 S.A.SLAYER / go for the throat(High Roller HRR439 ltd White Vinyl +inst / US cult power metal)
   RE of very rare 1st full-length LP / ’15 issue
88 D M-/UNP 2200
31344g S.P.A. <STAR POKED AWAY> / 1987(Fantasy DR120 LC / authentic Italian metal)
   Ex-Prod ; Pino Scott from Vanadium
87 IT Ex+/M- 4900
13922 SACRED CHILD / same(Black Dragon BD034 +in-slv,T-split 3 / US metal) 88 FR Ex/M- 1900
32863 SACRIFICE / on the altar of rock(Camel C70037 Swiss’ authentic metal 1st) 85 D Ex+/Ex+ 2900
36132 SAMSON / head on(Gem GEMLP108 +inst / NWOBHM classic / 2nd / f.Bruce Dickinson) 80 UK Ex/M- 2500
32180 SAMSON / before the storm(Polydor POLS1077 NWOBHM 4th / f.Nicky Moore ex-Hackensack) 82 UK Ex/Ex 1500
26983 SAMSON / losing my grip(Polydor POSPX471 4trk12”,rw / NWOBHM / f.Nicky Moore)
   c/w Pyramid To The Stars,Mr.Rock And Roll<live>,Tomorrow Or Yesterday<live>
82 UK Ex/M- 1500
35968 SANTERS / shot down in flames(Ready LR014 Sdh / melodious Canadian hard 1st) 81 C M-/M- 1900
35750 SAVAGE / sons of malice(High Roller HRR278 2LP, G/F +4 bonus / Reunioned NWOBHM)
   CDより4曲多い全17曲 / UK metal 6th
12 D M-/UNP 1600
33757 SAVATAGE / the dungeons are calling(Music For Nations MFN42 6trk / US metal) 85 UK Ex+/M- 1900
35209 SAXON / same(Carrere 67.331 NWOBHM 1st) 79 FR M-/M- 1900
35247 SAXON / same(Carrere CAL110 NWOBHM 1st) 79 UK Ex+/Ex 1500
BLP058 SAXON / rock the nation(Capitol ST12519 UK metal) 86 US M-/M- 500
19033 SCHYTE / the darkness comes(Metalmaster MET103 dark Italian metal) 88 IT M-/M- 4900
35756 SCORPIONS / no one like you <live>(Harvest 1C K060 20 0644 6 3trk live 12”EP) 85 D Ex+/M- 1000
35755 SCORPIONS / believe in love(Harvest 1C060-2 027836 3trk12”) 88 D M-/Ex+ 1000
34162 SEDUCER / 'eads down - see you at the end(Stud STUDLP2 NWOBHM 2nd) 86 UK Ex+/M- 3900
34748 SERGEANT / streetwise(Scratch 941311 +in-slv / good UK & Swiss’ melodious hard)
   rare 2nd / highly recommend!
86 D M-/Ex+ 2900
29623 SHELYAK + ACERO / same(Espada Del Metal EDM02 +inst / ltd 300)
   rare 80’s Spanish metal split LP / ’89年のShelyakの5trkと’83年のAceroの4trk EP
03 BR Ex/M- 1900
33704k SHOCK <BR>/ heavy metal we salute you(Whiplash WR003 +inst)
   Brazilian authentic metal 1st like 80’s with raw guitar!
92 BR Ex+/M- 6900
30181 SHOCK <SP>/ juego sucio(DCD END141 very rare Spanish authentic metal 1st) 86 SP M-/M- 38800
34912 SHY / brave the storm(RCA PL70605 +in-slv / UK melodious hard) 85 D Ex/Ex 1500
34916 SHY / give it all you’ve got(MCA MCATG1369 G/F ,3trk12” / UK melodious hard) 89 UK Ex/Ex+ 1000
34509 SIEBENSUNDEN / en kula till trost(Malarie - - - Swedish sludge - doom 1st) 98 PO M-/Ex+ 1500
BLP063 SIEGES EVEN / steps(Steamhammer 008-76211 G/F / German technical prog.metal) 90 D M-/M- 1000
15983 SILENT RAGE / rebel with a cause(Chameleon CH12006 Blue Vinyl,big pic lab,3trk12”EP)
   Prod;Paul Sabu / US hard
87 US * /M- 1500
30580a SILVER MOUNTAIN / hibiya - live in japan ’85(Fems SP25-5281 +inst +obi / Japan only live LP!) 86 JP M-/M- 9800
CLP58 SILVER R.I.S.C / anything she does(Molon Lave MLR-LP024) +in-slv,Stoc
   very rare Greek melodious metal - hard rock
93 GR Ex/M- 7480
22153n SIMSON / delilah(Powerplay Music 400.153 good authentic German metal like NWOBHM)
   very rare 1000 copies only released!
82 D Ex/M- 18800
34095 SING SING / eletfogytig rock’n roll(Proton PR0137 rare Hungarian metal) 90 HU Ex+/M- 1900
32251b SIX FEET UNDER / same(Europa Film ELP5012 +in-slv / Swedish authentic metal 1st) 83 SW Ex+/Ex+ 2900
32252 SIX FEET UNDER / eruption(Europa Film ELP5024 / Swedish authentic metal rare 2nd) 84 SW Ex+/M- 4900
BLP035 SKIN / the skin up e.p.(Parlophone 12RP6363 ltd poster cvr, 3trk12”) 93 UK Ex/M- 500
BLP008 SKIN / house of love(Parlophone 12RG6374 G/F, Stoc, 4trk12” / UK hard rock) 94 UK M-/M- 500
BLP039 SKIN / look but don’t touch(Parlophonbe 12R6391 ltd 4trk12” Picture Vinyl)
   +g/f plastic bag +poster / UK hard rock
94 UK Ex+/M- 800
BLP029 SKIN / tower of strength(Parlophone 12R6387 G/F, 4trk12”EP) 94 UK M-/M- 500
BLP037 SKIN / take me down to the river(Parlophone 12RP6409 ltd poster cvr,4trk12”) 95 UK M-/M- 500
35799 SKIN TRADE / same(RGE 320.6135 +inst / rare authentic Brazilian metal) 91 BR Ex+/M- 3900
32424 SKY HIGH / same(Good Vibes GV001 +inst,T-split 8,Bk-split 5.5 / Swedish hard rock 1st) 80 SW VG+/Ex+ 2900
BLP003 SMALL SKY / rock’n’roll(SRB SRB0216 +inst / authentic Korean metal) 87 KR Ex/M- 4900
37217 SMASHED GLADYS / same(Heavy Metal America HMUSA49 Canadian glam metal 1st / female vo) 85 UK M-/M- 1900
35387 SNAKE / the second step(Cain CL5815 German metal - hard rock 2nd) 81 D Ex+/Ex+ 1500
37027 SOBREDOSIS / caliente como un volcan(Chapa HS-35066 +in-slv / Spanish authentic metal 1st) 84 SP Ex/Ex+ 5900
22889 SPARTA / same(High Roller HP006 NWOBHM legend! ltd 500 / 7trk LP)
   Scene Of The Crime収録曲、1st SingleのFighting To Be Freeを収録!
06 D M-/UNP 2500
34844 SPARTA / welcome to hell(High Roller HRR349 ltd White Vinyl +inst)
   Reunion of early 80’s NWOBHM legend
14 D M-/UNP 2200
34567g SPELLBOUND / breaking the spell(Sonet SNTF934 +in-slv / Swedish metal classic) 84 SW M-/M- 2900
37215 SPELLBOUND / rockin’ reckless(Sonet SNTF952 +in-slv / Swedish metal 2nd) 85 SW Ex/Ex 2500
31558 SPHINX / burning lights(Camel C70033 progressive German authentic metal 1st/ ’85 issue) 81 D Ex/Ex+ 1500
28738 SPIDER / rock’n’roll gypsies(RCA RCALP3101 Ssoc / NWOBHM) 82 UK Ex/Ex 2900
35757 STAGE DOLLS / love cries(Polydor PZ68 3trk12” / Norwegian melodious hard) 89 UK Ex+/M- 1000
35777 STAGE DOLLS / same(Chrysalis F1 21716 Norwegian hard rock / +sticker on shrink) 89 US M-/M- 1500
26378 STAINLESS STEEL / molten metal(HMG 006 +inst,White Vinyl ,ltd 500)
   80’s German metal unreleased trks + live trks
04 D M-/UNP 2200
35966f STAMPEDE / the official bootleg(Polydor ROCK1 NWOBHM classic) 82 UK Ex+/M- 2900
15310 STAMPEDE / hurricane town(Polydor 811762-1 good NWOBHM 2nd) 83 D M-/M- 1500
35906 STARA SKOLA / same(Bestia J10022-1311 Srw / Czech’ metal - hard rock / rare LP) 92 CZ Ex/M- 1900
34431 STARGAZER / back on the street(Munich Maintown Project 66.24429-01-1)
   good melodious German metal 1st
88 D M-/Ex 4900
37214 STATETROOPER / she got the look(Neat 52-12 3trk12" / UK hard - metal)
   ex-Wildfire' members + Gary Barden
85 UK M-/M- 1500
15845 STATETROOPER / same(FM WKFMLP91 UK metal / ex-Weapon,Wildfire / f.Gary Barden) 87 UK Ex/M- 1900
11834 STATUS / same(Melodia C60 29549 008 melodious Russian hard) 90 RU Ex/Ex 2500
34908g STEEL CROWN / sunset warriors(Disco Magic/Apocalypse APL3001)
   rare Italian authentic metal 1st
86 IT Ex/M- 5900
34909g STEEL CROWN / night walk(Dico Magic LP331 Italian authentic metal / rare 4trk12”EP) 88 IT Ex+/M- 6900
34793 STEELER <D> / undercover animal(Steamhammer PD12-7516 / good German metal)
   f.Axel Rudi Pell / ltd PD +black plain die-cut cvr<ex->
88 D */M- 1500
34702 STEELER <US> / same(Shrapnel 1007 black lab / f.Yngwie Malmsteen / US metal) 83 US M-/M- 1000
ALP011 STEELER <US> / same(Shrapnel 1007 silver lab / f.Yngwie Malmsteen) 83 US M-/M- 1500
29795f STIGMA REA / forbice(Minotauro M28 +in-slv / rare Italian heavy rock - metal / Prod:Paul Chain) 91 IT Ex/M- 4900
33226 STITCH / the queen is back(Rock Projekt 765-002 rare 5trk MLP ,T-split 3 / German metal) 88 D Ex+/M- 3900
ALP018 STONE FURY / burns like a star(MCA P-13064 +2 x inst +obi / US hard rock 1st)
   f.Lenny Wolf post-Kingdom Come
84 JP M-/M- 1900
33828f STONEFIELD / light of lies(Iron Ages 21932 +in-slv / good Swiss’ melodious prog.hard - metal) 90 EU M-/M- 3900
35524i STORM QUEEN / come silent the world : a definitive anthology and biography
   (O.P.M. OPMR1013 G/F, ’06 released ltd 600 ,’80 - ’83 recordings / NWOBHM)
06 US M-/M- 4900
31478f STORMWIND / warbringer(Wishbone WB1512 rare 3trk12”EP +in-slv / German power metal) 85 D Ex+/M- 3900
33684 STORMWITCH / the beauty and the beast(Scratch 805528-928 +in-slv / German metal 4th)
87 D Ex-/M- 1500
36430 STORMWITCH / magyarorszagon(T-34 TLP34001 German authentic metal)
   live in Budapest, Hungary
89 HU Ex+/M- 4900
22178 STRAIGHT SHOOTER / 5(Sky 080 +in-slv,Stoc / German hard) 83 D Ex/M- 1000
31358 STRAIGHT UP / faster & deeper(Wire WRLP016 Swedish hard rock) 91 SW Ex/M- 1000
15631 STRAW DOGS / same(Restless 72121-1 5trk MLP / authentic US metal) 86 US M-/M- 2500
32870 STREET FIGHTER / shoot you down(Indisc DIL3579 German authentic metal 2nd)
   Prod ; Michael Wegner & Udo Dirkschneider
84 BL Ex+/M- 1500
35817 STRIKER / city of gold(Napalm NPR540LP 2LP,G/F Canadian power metal 3rd) 14 D M-/M-/M- 2500
33974 STRYPER / reason for the season(Enigma 70777-0 3trk12” / US LA metal) 84 US M-/M- 1000
35775 STRYPER / free(Enigma V-75500 ltd Yellow Vinyl ,big pic label / 3trk12”EP) 87 US */Ex 1000
32236i SUDDEN DEATH / all or nothing(MPB 1250876 good German power metal) 87 D Ex+/M- 3900
32780 SUGARCREEK / same(Music For Nations MFN55 melodious US hard) 85 FR M-/M- 2500
37211 SUICIDE SQUAD / live it while you can(Music For Nations MFN85M 4trk12" / US metal - hard rock)
   f. Brad Sinsel ex-T.K.O. , Rick Pierce ex-Q5 / Stoc
89 UK Ex+/M- 1500
15581 SULTANS SEED / aimin’ for victory(Dream DRE18362 authentic French metal) 86 FR Ex/M- 3900
37210 SURGIN / when midnight comes(EMI America ST-17167 +in-slv / US melodious hard / with shrink) 85 US M-/M- 1900
34612 SYE / turn on the fire(Roadrunner RR9781 +in-slv / Canadian metal 1st) 83 HO M-/M- 1500
37036 SYNDIA / same(Polskie Nagrania Muza SX 2961 melodic Polish metal) 91 PO Ex+/M- 9800
24748 SYNKOPY / kridleni(Panton 81130407 good Czech’ prog.hard) 83 CZ Ex+/M- 3500
32779 SYNTRA / same(Metal Enterprises ME551 good German authentic metal) 90 D M-/M- 2500
19260 SYRON VANES / revenge(Ebony EBON36 Swedish metal 2nd) 86 UK Ex/M- 2500
12307 SZEKERES TAMAS / guitarmania(- - - private released 1st / pre-Tamas / Stoc,Srw)
   Hungarian melodic metal guitarist solo
89 HU Ex/M- 2900
28338 SZEKERES TAMAS / christmas in guitarland(MMC 9352 ex-Omen,post-Tamas)
   Hungarian melodic guitarist 2nd solo
91 HU M-/M- 2900
32778 T S A / live(Tonpress SX-T11 good Polish authentic metal like NWOBHM) 82 PO Ex+/M- 1500
30892 T S A / same(Polton PLP002 G/F,Stoc / good authentic Polish metal like NWOBHM) 82 PO Ex/Ex+ 1500
30792 T S A / heavy metal world(Muza SX2335 good Polish metal like NWOBHM) 86 PO Ex+/M- 1900
28336 T S A / rock and roll(Tonpress SX-T96 good Polish authentic metal) 87 PO M-/M- 2900
BLP053 T.T.QUICK / metal of honor(Island 90521-1 sw / US metal 1st) 86 US Ex+/M- 500
37396 TANK / same(GWR GWLP23 UK metal - NWOBHM 5th) 87 UK M-/M- 3500
37196 TANK / same(GWR/Restless 7 71405-1 UK metal - NWOBHM 5th / with shrink) 87 US M-/M- 2500
35946 TARZEN / same(Valentino 7 89277-1 +in-slv / Spanish melodious hard 1st)
   f.Danny Peyronel ex-Heavy Metal Kids, UFO
85 US Ex+/M- 1500
32336 TASK FORCE / forbidden fruit(Nightflite NFEP3001 6trk MLP / rare Canadian hard) 82 C M-/M- 3900
31664 TATTO / blood red(Metal Blade 7 73400-1 +inst / US metal) 88 US M-/M- 800
34087 TEAM / same(Opus 93132045 good Czech’ melodious hard - metal 1st) 88 CZ Ex+/Ex+ 2500
34088 TEAM / prichyteny pri zivote(Opus 93132170 Czech’ melodious hard - metal 2nd) 89 CZ Ex+/M- 2500
30135 TEAM / 3(Opus 91 2312-1331 Czech’ melodious hard) 90 CZ Ex+/M- 1900
30136 TEAM / 4(Tommu 61 0015-1311 Czech’ melodious hard) 91 CZ Ex/M- 2900
28225 TEMPEST / a coming storm(Pure Metal SPCN7900602534 +in-slv / melodious US metal 1st) 87 US M-/M- 2900
32777 TEMPEST / the end of a dream(Rock Cafe 0647226 rare 2trk12” / authentic German metal) 87 D M-/M- 6900
29057 TERRAPLANE / i survive(City 12NIK8 LC / rare 1st 4trk12”EP /melodious UK hard - NWOBHM) 82 FR Ex+/M- 4900
BLP025 TERRAPLANE / if that’s what it takes(Epic TERRAP1 ltd 2trk Spd PD / NWOBHM)
   b/w living after dark
86 UK */M- 1000
37228 THIN LIZZY / bbc radio one live in concert(Windsong WINLP024 2LP, Green Vinyl / f.John sykes)
   live at the Reading Festival, August 1983
92 UK Ex+/
20070 THRUST > see LAZER + THRUST rare US metal split LP        
36977 THUNDER / she’s so fine(EMI 10EM158 3trk10”EP, G/F, Blue Vinyl / UK hard rock) 90 UK M-/M- 1000
10900 THUNDER / a better man(EMI 12BETTER1 3trk12” +ltd poster / UK hard rock)
   b/w Bigger Than Both Of Us & Low Life In High Places<live>
93 UK M-/M- 1000
22996b TITANIC <CZ> / metal celebration(Opus 9313 2179 Czech’ power metal 1st / Stoc)
   very rare Monster cvr!
89 CZ Ex+/Ex+ 4900
34946 TITANIC <CZ> / metal celebration(Opus 9313 2179 Czech’ power metal 1st) 89 CZ Ex/Ex 2900
33973 TOKYO BLADE / the cave sessions<official bootleg>(LEG1T 4 demos 12”EP / NWOBHM) 85 FR M-/M- 1000
31342 TOOL SILENCE / the blazing ice(Black Widow BG001 ltd 500 Multi-Coloured Vinyl +in-slv)
   Italian epic metal 1st / ’10 vinyl editon
07 IT M-/M- 2500
35721 TOUCHDOWN / don’t look down(Harlequin 25.001 Stoc / Canadian hard - metal 1st) 84 D Ex/M- 2900
25409 TOX / same(SL Rec.7024 authentic German metal 2nd) 86 D M-/M- 2500
35513i TRAMONTANE / same(Doomed Planet DPR9 +inst / ltd 500 / ’89 - ’94 recordings / US metal) 02 US Ex+/M- 3900
32776 TRANS AM / fasten seatbelts(Bernie Prod. B.P.006 +in-slv ,Stoc/ authentic German metal) 89 D Ex/Ex 1980
ALP056 TRASH / watch out(RCA RCALP3112 +in-slv / Swedish hard rock) 82 D Ex+/Ex 500
35720 TRASH MACHINE / breaking through the ranks(Moroz MR9333 +in-slv,LC / Russian thrash) 93 RU M-/M- 2900
34750 TRB / love on the rocks(Albatros LP04 melodious Italian metal / rare LP) 89 IT M-/SS 6900
34751i TRILOGY / next in line(Axe 7026 very rare melodic Aussie metal) 88 FR Ex+/M- 14800
30179i TRITON / same(Zafiro LM1136 melodious Spanish metal classic! / ’86 issue) 85 SP Ex/Ex+ 6900
36763 TRITONZ / the edge of hell(GWR GWLP13 Canadian hard rock / a.k.a. Thor / ジャケ、くたびれ) 87 UK VG+/Ex+ 1900
32774 TRIXX / long way home(Nasty 001 rare private 3trk 12” / UK metal) 89 UK M-/M- 2750
34856 TROUBLE / the skull(Cyclone Empire CYC059-1 +inst / RE of US doom 2nd) 85 D M-/UNP 2700
34855 TROUBLE / run to the light(Cyclone Empire CYC074-1 +inst / RE of US doom 3rd) 87 D M-/UNP 2700
34843 TRUFFLE / the bacon slicer strikes again(High Roller HRR171 ltd White + Black Marble Vinyl)
   1stアルバムをLP化! / NWOBHM / ’11 release
85 D M-/UNP 1800
34752g TRUST / en attendant(Celluloid CEL66866-1 French metal classic / 6 trk mini album) 88 FR Ex+/Ex+ 3900
35576 TRUST / paris by night(Celluloid CEL63001-1 2LP,G/F / French metal great live album) 88 FR M-/M-/M- 3900
26174 TUBLATANKA / same(Opus 91131596 authentic Slovakia’ metal 1st) 85 CZ Ex/M- 1500
21257 TUBLATANKA / zerave znamenie osudu(Opus 9313 2108 authentic Czech metal) 88 CZ Ex/M- 1900
28415 TURBO <CZ> / heavy waters(Supraphon 1113 3839 melodious Czech' hard 3rd) 85 CZ Ex/M- 1000
11335 TURBO <CZ> / to bude,panove,jizda(Supraphon 1113 3757 Czech’ melodious hard) 85 CZ Ex/M- 1900
20173 TWISTED SISTER / the kids are back(Atlantic A9827P ltd Spd PD c/w Shoot ‘Em Down) 83 UK */Ex 500
BLP059 TWISTED SISTER / come out and play(Atlantic 81275-1-E +in-slv +pop-up cvr) 85 US M-/M- 500
20174 TWISTED SISTER / leader of the pack(Atlantic A9478P ltd Spd PD c/w I Wanna Rock) 85 UK */Ex 500
28189 TYGERS OF PAN TANG / don’t stop by(MCA MCAT723 scarce 3trk12” / NWOBHM)
   c/w Slave To Freedom & Raised On Rock
81 UK M-/M- 1500
35144 TYGERS OF PAN TANG / the cage(MCA MCF3150 +in-slv,LC) 82 UK Ex+/Ex+ 1900


12"/LP A-L
12"/LP M-Z
JAZZ 国内ロック
JAZZ 国内ロック