Rock~Pops~Beat F~H



No.       ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) year state condition price
35268 FABLE / same(A Magnet MAG5002 G/F / f.Peter Goalby post-Uriah Heep / UK rock) 73 UK M-/M- 3900
20064g FACES / ooh lala(Warner Bros.BS2665 Scc,gimmix cvr +poster / British rock classic) 73 US Ex+/Ex+ 2900
32119 FACTOR / no questions(Balkanton BTA11587 Bulgarian hard R&R - hard pop) 85 BG M-/M- 1000
26142g FAMILY / entertainment(Reprise K44069 +inst,LC / bluesy UK rock / 70’s issue) 69 UK Ex/M- 2900
28315g FAMILY / anyway(Reprise RSX9005 G/F +outer plastic cvr / British rock classic) 70 UK Ex+/Ex+ 6900
27547h FAMILY / bandstand(United Artists UAS5644 gimmix cvr +in-slv,cc / UK rock classic) 72 US M-/M- 2900
33582 FAMILY / bandstand(United Artists UAS5644 gimmix G/F cvr +in-slv,Scc / UK rock classic) 72 US Ex+/Ex 1900
32378i FAMILY / it’s only a movie(Raft RA58501 +in-slv / bluesy British rock) 73 UK Ex+/M- 3900
13270 FAMILY / it’s only a movie(United Artists UA-LA181-F +in-slv / UK rock classic) 73 US Ex/Ex 2300
29787i FAT CHANCE / same(RCA LSP4626 US folk rock classic / f.Bill LaBounty,Steve Eaton) 72 US Ex/Ex 3900
35416 FAT MATRESS / same(Atco SD33-309 G/F,sw,Srw,yellow lab / UK psyche.folk rock 1st)
     f.Noel Redding /
盤、目立つスレはあるが音は良好 / sounds Ex+
69 US Ex/Ex- 2900
22147 FELIX CAVALIERE / same(Bearsville BR6955 Ssw / US folk rock - AOR 1st / ex-Rascals) 74 US Ex+/Ex+ 1900
23449 FELIX CAVALIERE / destiny(Bearsville K55505 2nd solo / ex-Rascals / f.Buzz Feiten) 75 UK Ex+/M- 1900
30522 FELIX PAPPALARDI / don’t worry,ma(A&M SP4729 ex-Mountain / f.Bernard Purdie) 79 US M-/Ex 1500
31396i FIRST IMPRESSIONS / swinging ranci(Saga FDY2100 LC,rwobc / UK beat inc,Beatles’ covers / f.Russ Sainty) 67 UK Ex/Ex 3900
30770h FISHBAUGH,FISHBAUGH AND ZORN / f.f.and z(CBS 64783 G/F,orange lab,Stoc / fine UK folk rock) 72 UK Ex/M- 3900
13518i FIVE DAY WEEK STRAW PEOPLE / same(Akarma AK218/2 2LP,G/F +9 bonus / late 60’s UK psyche / f.John Cann)
ボーナスとしてJohn Cann在籍のAttackの音源を9曲収録
  IT M-/UNP 3900
15291 FIVE PENNY PIECE / same(Columbia SCX6488 LC / mellow UK pop folk / female vox) 72 UK M-/Ex 2500
RLP124 FLEETWOOD MAC / tusk(Warner Pioneer P-5571-2W 2LP +2 x in-slv +sticker +obi / JPN orig.) 79 JP M-/M-/M- 2500
32401 FLOCK / same(Columbia CS9911 +inst ,360 lab / US westcoast psyche. - heavy prog. / T-split 10,Bt-split 8) 69 US Ex-/Ex+ 1000
30383h FLOWER / same(United Artists UA-LA834G Scc / US female AOR classic)
     f.David Foster,Jeff Porcaro / Arranged by Nick DeCaro
78 US Ex/M- 3900
20689 FOGHAT / energized(Reprise K55500 good UK hard boogie!) 74 UK M-/Ex 2500
RLP137 FOGHAT / energized(Warner P-8423W +inst +obi, WL / UK hard boogie!) 74 JP Ex/M- 1200
33992 FOGHAT / live(Bearsville BRK6971 +in-slv +die-cut cvr! / UK hard boogie live!) 77 US M-/M- 1000
33722 FONOGRAF / same(Pepita SLPX17471 G/F / melodious Hungarian psyche.pop / ex-Illes) 74 HU Ex/Ex+ 1900
13170 FONOGRAF / fg 4(Pepita SLPX17509 +in-slv,LC / melodious Hungarian psyche.pop - prog.) 76 HU Ex/Ex 2500
21702 FOTOMAKER / vis-a-vis(Atlantic P-10616A +inst / US power pop 2nd) 78 JP Ex/M- 800
16845 FOTOMAKER / vis-a-vis(Atlantic SD19208 +in-slv / US power pop) 78 US M-/M- 1500
32283 FOUNDATIONS / digging the foundations(Uni 73058 G/F,Srw,Sdh / UK soft rock classic) 69 US Ex/Ex 2500
36504 FOX / blue hotel(GTO GTLP020 +big inst / UK pop rock 4th / post- Yellow Dog) 77 UK M-Ex 2900
32379g FRAMUS 5 / blue in soul(Supraphon 1 13 0578 LC,折返しジャケ,red lab)
     good Czech’ beat like British Beat / colour member’s cvr / ‘71 issue
68 CZ M-/M- 2900
12498 FRAMUS 5 / kolej yesterday(Panton 8113 0462 Czech’ prog.beat pop) 84 CZ M-/M- 1500
34342 FRAMUS 5 / nic ve zlym,nic v dobrym(Panton 81 0705-1311 LC / Czech’ celtic beat - pop rock) 87 CZ Ex+/Ex+ 1000
13721 FRANCOISE HARDY / ihre großten erfolge(Bellaphon BI1554 70’s German issue / French female pop)   D M-/M- 2900
20747 FRANK ZAPPA / 200 motels(Liberty UAS29.218/9 2LP,G/F,LC,grey lab with rainbow logo) 71 FR M-/M-/M- 2500
21965 FRANKIE & THE KNOCKOUTS / makin’ the point(MCA 5473 +inst / US hard pop)
     small promo stamp on cvr / f.Tico Torres post-Bon Jovi,Tommy Ayers
84 US Ex+/M- 1000
20771 FRANKIE MILLER / easy money(Chrysalis CHR1268 Srw / UK blue-eyed soul) 80 UK Ex/M- 1300
29290 FRANKIE MILLER / standing on the edge(Capitol EST12206 +in-slv / UK blue eyed soul / f.Chris Spedding) 82 UK Ex/Ex+ 1900
32541 FRANKIE MILLER / dancing in the rain(Mercury 826647-1 +in-slv / UK blue eyed soul)
     f.Brian Robertson ex-Thin Lizzy
86 D M-/M- 1500
31444 FRANZ K / sensemann(Ohrwaschl OWLP033 RE of rare German psyche.trio) 72 D M-/SS 2500
36501 FREE / at last(Island ILPS9192 sun beam & pink rim lab, A-1U,B-1U) 72 UK M-/M- 4900
25396 FREE / free at last(Island ILPS9192 sun-beam lab / UK heavy blues rock) 72 UK M-/M- 4900
26253 FREE / heartbreaker(Island ILPS9217 sun-beam lab / bluesy UK rock classic) 72 UK M-/Ex 4900
25549 FREE BEER / highway robbery(RCA APL1-1733 US contry folk rock) 76 US Ex+/Ex+ 1500
22606 FREEDOM / freedom at last(Byg 529325 G/F,LC / bluesy & heavy British rock) 69 FR M-/M- 6900
26059 FRENCH,FRITH,KAISER,THOMPSON / live,love,larf & loaf(Demon FIEND102)
     f.Fred Frith,Richard Thompson / good avagarde pop
87 UK M-/M- 1900
26060 FRENCH,FRITH,KAISER,THOMPSON / invisible means(Demon FIEND189)
     f.Fred Frith,Richard Thompson / good avagarde pop
90 UK M-/M- 1900
30330j FRIPP & ENO / no pussyfooting(Island HELP16 G/F,black & pink i logo lab / ex-King Crimson) 73 UK M-/M- 4900
37128 FRIPP & ENO / no pussyfooting(Island HELP16 G/F,black & pink i logo lab / ex-King Crimson) 73 UK M-/Ex+ 4900
12283 FRONT PAGE NEWS / thrills(G&P GP1003 US melodious hard pop) 81 US M-/M- 1000
RLP186 FUMBLE / same(Toshiba EMI/Odeon EOP-80735 G/F +4p inst +obi<ex>, WL / funky UK rock 1st)
      a little repaired obi /帯、シワ有、裏から補修有、補充注文票付  
72 JP Ex+/M- 2500
32896 FUMBLE / poetry in lotion(RCA SF8403 funky UK pop / Prod:Shel Talmy) 74 UK Ex+/M- 1900
29926 G.T.MOORE / reggae blue(Charisma 6369967 LC / ex-Heron / UK folk rock + reggae) 75 HO Ex+/Ex+ 2900
20523 GALLAGHER & LYLE / love on the airwaves(A&M SP4620 Ssw / ex-McGuinness Flint) 77 US M-/SS 1500
13977 GANDALF / to another horizon(Wea 240074-1 +in-slv / German prog.) 82 D Ex/M- 2500
32470 GENE BUA / love of life(Heritage HTS35004 G/F +inst / good US mellow soft rock)
     female & male duo with many strings!
69 US Ex+/M- 3900
21562i GENE CLARK / early L.A. sessions(Columbia KC31123 ‘72 released 60’s materials album / ex-Byrds)   US M-/M- 2900
13533 GENESIS / a living story(Duck PG1300 +blue slip sheet / live LP / live at 1977 tour)   US M-/Ex 2500
33194 GENESIS / and then there were three(Charisma/Phonogram CDS4010 G/F,small mad-hatter lab) 78 UK Ex+/Ex+ 1500
30375j GENESIS / three sides live(Charisma GE2002 2LP,G/F) 82 UK M-/M-/M- 2900
32380 GENTRYS / gentry time(MGM E4346 Sdh / 60’s US soft rock - oldie pop 2nd) 66 US M-/SS 1900
37233 GEORGE HATCHER BAND / talkin' turkey(United Artists UAS30090 bluesy UK rock 2nd)
     f. John Thomas post-Budgie / good drivin' guitar!
77 UK Ex+/M- 2900
RLP023 GIANTS / same(Polydor MPF1245 +inst, WL / Italian progressive funky rock 1st) 79 JP Ex/Ex+ 800
20746 GINO VANNELLI / crazy life(A&M SP4395 +in-slv,brown lab / good US pop - AOR / Prod;Herb Alpert) 73 US Ex/Ex+ 1900
27061 GLASS HARP / it makes me glad(Decca DL75358 +inst,bk & spectrum lab / f.Phil Keaggy)
     mellow US psyche.pop
72 US Ex+/M- 2900
RLP011 GLORIA ESTEFAN & MIAMI SOUND MACHINE / let it loose(Epic 28-3P-822)
     +4page inst +obi / US latin pop with female vo
87 JP Ex/M- 500
29443 GODFREY DANIEL / take a sad song(Atlantic SD7219 Ssw / US doowap - R&B - soul) 72 US Ex/Ex 1500
RLP038 GO-GO’S / vacation(CBS/Sony 25AP2380 +inst +obi,sol,sotbc ) 82 JP Ex/M- 500
29233j GOOD RATS / same(Kapp KS3580 G/F,Sdh / good US heavy psyche.1st / Bt-split 9,T-split 5) 68 US Ex/Ex 3900
34178g GRAHAM BOND / we put our magick on you(Mercury SRM1-612 G/F,WL / UK psyche. - beat)
     factory transparent sticker with song listings on cvr
71 US Ex+/Ex+ 2900
33725 GRAHAM BOND / we put our magick on you(Vertigo 6360042 G/F,swirl lab)
     UK psyche.beat - mods
71 D Ex/M- 5900
36780 GRAND HOTEL / do not disturb(CBS 83134 UK pop rock) 79 UK Ex+/Ex+ 1500
32118g GRAPEFRUIT / around(Dunhill DS50050 fine UK mwllow pop 2nd) 69 US M-/Ex 3900
20742i GRIFFIN / same(Romar RM2001 WL / funky US folk rock) 72 US Ex/M- 2900
34470 GRIMMS / same(Island HELP11 bk lab with pink i lab / UK psyche.)
     f.Roger McCough,Michael McGear,Zoot Money,Neil Innes,Michael Giles,etc
73 UK Ex/M- 5900
33881 GROUNDHOGS / crosscut saw(United Artists UA-LA603-G Sdh / UK blues rock) 76 US Ex+/Ex+ 1900
32680g GULLIVER / same(Elektra EKS74070 Scc / US folk rock classic / f.Darryl Hall) 69 US Ex+/Ex+ 3900
32530i GUTHRIE THOMAS / I <one>(Capitol ST-11435 +in-slv / good US SSW - folk rock) 75 US Ex/M- 2900
32531i GUTHRIE THOMAS / lies and alibis(Capitol ST11519 +in-slv / good US SSW) 76 US Ex/Ex+ 2900
20741 HAGERS / same(Elektra 7E1021 WL / mellow US pop - AOR / f.Sneaky Pete) 75 US M-/M- 2500
20696 HALFBREED / same(United Artists UAG29877 gimmix G/F / Prod;John Anthony) 75 UK Ex+/Ex+ 3080
RLP033 HANOI ROCKS / self destruction blues(Mercury 25PP-84 +inst +obi / JPN orig.cvr!) 82 JP M-/M- 1900
RLP044 HANOI ROCKS / back to mystery city(Mercury 25PP-98 +inst +obi / JPN orig.cvr!) 83 JP M-/M- 1900
35705 HANSON / now hear this(Manticore P-8434M +inst +obi / UK heavy funk rock 1st) 73 JP Ex+/M- 2900
22054i HAPPENINGS / same(B.T.Puppy BTPS1001 US soft rock 1st / Prod;The Tokens) 66 US M-/Ex 3500
19930 HAPPENINGS / psycle(B.T.Puppy BTP1003 mono / Prod;Tokens / US soft rock) 67 US M-/Ex 2900
35713 HAPPENINGS / piece of mind(Jubilee JGS8028 gimmix G/F / US soft rock) 69 US Ex+/SS 1900
35690 HAPSHASH AND THE COLOURED COAT / featuring the human host and the heavy…
     (Minit MLL4001 LC,Red Vinyl / very rare UK psyche.)
67 UK Ex+/Ex+ 14080
34786 HARPERS BIZARRE / anything goes(Warner Bros. 1716 gold lab,stereo / US soft rock) 67 US Ex+/Ex+ 2500
32281j HARRIET SCHOCK / she’s low clouds(20th Records T460 US female SSW) 74 US M-/SS 2900
RLP098 HEADPINS / head over heels(Victor VIL-28002 +4 page inst +obi / Canadian hard rock - mainstream 3rd) 85 JP M-/M- 1500
36539 HEADSTONE / same(EMI EMC3073 UK psyche. pop - rock 2nd) 75 UK Ex+/M- 4900
28319 HEAVY METAL KIDS / anvil chorus(Atco SD36-114 +in-slv,yellow lab / good UK hard 2nd) 75 US Ex+/M- 2000
30863 HEAVY METAL KIDS / kitsch(Rak 1C064-98165 +in-slv / rare UK hard 3rd / f.John Sinclair) 76 D Ex+/M- 2900
RLP166 HELEN REDDY / long hard climb(Capitol ECP-80869 triple G/F +inst / Aussie female vo) 73 JP Ex/M- 500
18092 HELLO PEOPLE / fusion(Philips PHS600-276 G/F / mellow US pop - folk rock)
     Sound Recording by Bill Szymczyk
68 US Ex/Ex+ 1500
18030 HELLO PEOPLE / have you seen the light(Mediarts 41-8 Scc early 70’s mellow US pop) 71 US M-/Ex+ 1500
30746 HOBO / same(United Artists/Rockfield UAS29909 LC / mellow UK pop - folk rock) 76 UK Ex/Ex+ 3520
20480 HOLLIES / confessions of the mind(Parlophone PCS7116 TC,bk & silver lab,toc / mellow UK pop) 70 UK VG/Ex+ 1500
07562 HOLLIES / distant light(Parlophone PAS10005 G/F +inst / fine UK mellow pop) 71 UK Ex/M- 4900
28246 HOLY MOSES / same(RCA LSP4523 Srw / US psyche.) 71 US Ex/Ex+ 1900
34472 HOME / pause for a hoarse horse(CBS 64356 G/F,orange lab/ good British rock very rare 1st)
     f.Laurie Wisefield post-Wishbone Ash,Cliff Wisefield post-AC/DC
71 UK M-/Ex+ 14800
29886 HOME / same(CBS 64752 orange lab / UK rock 2nd / f.Laurie Wisefield,Cliff Williams) 72 UK Ex/M- 6900
29775 HOME SERVICE / same(Jigsaw SAW3 +in-slv / UK AOR) 84 UK Ex-/M- 1500
37423 HORSLIPS / the tain(Oats/RCA MOO5 G/F +in-slv +poster, Stoc / Irish celtic rock 2nd) 73 UK Ex/Ex 2900
37424 HORSLIPS / dancehall sweethearts(Oats MOO7 good Irish celtic rock 3rd) 74 IR Ex+/Ex+ 2900
35257 HORSLIPS / dancehall sweethearts(RCA APL1-0709 good Irish celtic rock) 74 UK Ex+/M- 2500
30527 HORSLIPS / drive the cold winter away(Horslips MOO9 Irish celtic folk rock) 75 IR M-/Ex+ 1900
37425 HORSLIPS / the unfortunate cup of tea(RCA SF8432 good Irish celtic folk rock 4th) 75 UK Ex+/M- 2500
37426 HORSLIPS / the book of invasions(DJM DJF20498 +in-slv,LC / Irish celtic folk rock) 76 UK Ex+/Ex+ 2500
36863 HOTEL HUNGER / this is where the fun starts(Megaforce Worldwide/Atlantic 7 81975-1 +in-slv)
     Danish pop rock - mainstream / +sticker on shrink
89 US M-/M- 1000
25541 HOTLEGS / you didn’t like it because you didn’t think of it(Philips SON009 melodious UK pop)
     pre-10CC / ’76 released ’70 - ’71 materials
  UK M-/Ex 1900
10582 HUB / cheata(Capitol ST11505 +in-slv,Sdh / good US AOR - funky rock) 76 US M-/Ex 2900
RLP031 HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS / sports(Chrysalis WWS81628 +4 page inst +obi) 83 JP M-/M- 500
RLP051 HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS / selections vol.2(Chrysalis WWS63052 5trk MLP +inst +obi)
     inc,Back In Time<12” mix>,Heart And Soul<dance mix>,The Power Of Love<inst>,etc
85 JP Ex+/M- 500
RLP052 HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS / the power of love(Chrysalis S14-113 3trk12”EP +inst +obi) 85 JP Ex/M- 300
36525 HUG / neon dream(Polydor 2383330 LC / funky & mellow UK rock) 75 UK Ex+/M- 3500
37464 HUMBLE PIE / as safe as yesterday(Immediate IP-8830 +inst +obi<New Rock Best Series>, black vinyl)
69 JP Ex/Ex 28800
25823 HUMBLE PIE / performance ; rockin’ the fillmore(A&M AMLH63506 2LP,G/F,brown lab)
     good UK heavy blues rock / f.Steve Marriott,Peter Frampton
71 UK Ex/Ex/Ex 4900
23028 HUMBLE PIE / eat it(A&M 86669XDT 2LP,G/F +booklet,brown lab / UK heavy classic) 73 D Ex+/M-/M- 3900
37463 HUMBLE PIE / eat it(A&M AMW41/42 2LP, G/F +bklt +Japanese bklt +obi, brown lab / レア国内初回) 73 JP M-/M-/M- 12800
RLP154 HUMBLE PIE / thunderbox(A&M AML200 die-cut cvr! +in-slv +4 page inst) 74 JP Ex+/M- 1900
36929 HUMMING BIRD / we can't go on meeting like this(A&M GP-2016 +inst +obi / UK funk rock 2nd)
     f.Bernard Purdie, Max Middleton, Bobby Tench
76 JP Ex+/M- 3900
35297 HUNTER / same(Penny Farthing PELS558 melodious UK rock / f.Les Hunt post-Demon) 77 UK Ex/Ex+ 2500
RLP116 HUNTER / same(Penny Farthing VIP6428 +inst / melodious UK rock / f.Les Hunt) 77 JP M-/M- 800
30762j HUNTER MUSKETT / same(Bradleys BRADL1003 +in-slv,TC,Stoc / Prod:Keith Relf)
     very rare UK melodious folk rock /
73 UK Ex-/VG 6900
35316 HURRICANE SMITH / don’t let it die(Odeon/Toshiba EOP-80693 +inst +obi, dj,WL ,TC)
     UK rock - SSW /
東芝音工プレス・Rock Now帯付・補充注文票付
72 JP M-/M- 4900


12"/LP A-L
12"/LP M-Z
JAZZ 国内ロック
JAZZ 国内ロック