Rock~Pops~Beat L~M



No.       ARTIST / title (label / Cat.No. / informations ) year state condition price
33981 LAKE / paradise island(Columbia JC35817 +in-slv / German melodious rock - AOR 3rd) 79 US M-/Ex+ 1000
RLP144 LANCEE / models(CBS 84118 +in-slv,orange - yellow lab / Dutch AOR) 80 HO M-/M- 500
RLP145 LANCEE / the bridge(CBS 84876 +in-slv / melodious Dutch AOR) 81 HO Ex+/M- 500
15750 LARRY GROCE / junkfood junkie(Warner Bros.BS2933 US folk rock) 76 US M-/M- 2500
RLP061 LARSEN - FEITON BAND / same(Warner P-10877W +2 x inst +obi / ex-Full Moon / US funky AOR - fusion) 80 JP M-/M- 800
23500g LAST WORDS / same(Atco SD33-235 Sdh,brown & purple lab / US mellow pop - soul beat) 68 US Ex/Ex 2900
36367 LAURIE STYVERS / spilt milk(Chrysalis CHR1007 +in-slv, green lab / UK female folk rock) 72 UK Ex/Ex 3900
35111 LAW ,THE / same(Atlantic 7567-82195-1 +in-slv / f.Paul Rodgers,Kenny Jones) 91 D M-/M- 1500
22941 LED ZEPPELIN / remasters(Atlantic LZ2 rare PROMO only 4trk 10”EP)
     inc,Stairway To Heaven,Immigrant Song,Whole Lotta Love,Good Times Bad Times
90 US M-/Ex 9800
10489 LEE CLAYTON / border affair(Capitol ST11751 dh / US swamp folk rock) 78 US M-/SS 2500
36725 LEO SAYER / another year(Chrysalis CHR1087 +in-slv +inst +obi, green lab / UK pop rock 3rd) 75 JP M-/M- 1900
34478 LES SINNERS / ? (Chelsea CHL511 rw, ジャケ、セロテープによる割れの補強有 / Canadian psyche. rare LP!) 75 US VG+/Ex+ 1980
36726 LESLEY DUNCAN / everything changes(Philips RJ-5127 originally no inst +obi, WL / UK female SSW 3rd)
     brown stains on cvr & obi / 茶色のシミがジャケ、帯にあります
74 JP Ex/M- 3900
26228 LEYDEN ZAR / same(A&M SP4680 US power pop) 81 US M-/Ex 1000
30539h LIAR / straight from the hip(London PS696 melodious UK rock 1st) 77 US M-/Ex+ 2900
36532 LIAR / set the world on fire(Beasville K55524 ltd Picture Vinyl +backing sheet)
     melodious UK rock 2nd / f.Steve Mann
78 UK /Ex 1500
25067 LIGHTHOUSE / sunny days(Bellaphon BLPS19131 G/F,LC / Canadian funky psyche.) 72 D M-/Ex+ 2500
25068 LIGHTHOUSE / thoughts of movin’ on(Evolution 3010 G/F,dh / Canadian funky psyche.) 72 US M-/SS 2500
11887 LINDA LEWIS / lark(Reprise K44208 G/F,TC / UK female pop - free soul) 72 UK Ex/Ex 9800
32988 LINDA LEWIS / woman overboard(Arista SPARTY1003 +in-slv / UK female pop - soul)
     f.Jim Cregan,Allen Toussaint,Snowy White,Tim Renwick
77 UK Ex/Ex+ 2500
32985 LINDA LEWIS / hacienda view(Ariola ARL5033 UK female pop - soul / ex-Ferris Wheel / Srw) 79 UK Ex/M- 1900
32984 LINDA LEWIS / a tear and a smile(Epic EPC25478 UK female pop - soul / Ssobc,sol) 82 UK Ex+/M- 1900
28250 LISA DAL BELLO / same(MCA 2249 bk & rainbow lab,cc / US female AOR) 77 US Ex/Ex 1000
34645 LITTLE BO BITCH / same(Cobra/EMI CBR1002 UK power pop / f.Steve Carroll post-Praying Mantis) 79 UK Ex-/M- 1500
36704 LIVERPOOL EXPRESS / tracks(Warner Bros. K56281 avenue lab / UK pop rock 1st) 76 UK M-/M- 2500
34479 LIVERPOOL SCENE / recollections(Charisma CS3 pink lab/ UK psyche. / f.Andy Roberts) 72 UK Ex/M- 2900
36692 LIVINGSTON TAYLOR / liv(Capricorn SD863 G/F +inst,pink lab / good US folk rock) 71 US M-/Ex+ 2900
34146 LLOYD LANGTON GROUP / night air(Flicknife SHARP026 UK psyche. / ex-Hawkwind) 85 UK Ex+/Ex+ 1500
22447j LOCOMOTIVE / we are everything you see(Radioactive/EMI PCS7093)
     RE of very rare UK psyche. / f.Norman Haines
70 UK M-/SS 2500
36819 LOL CREME & KEVIN GODLEY / consequences(Mercury SFX-10038-40 rare 3LP BOX)
     +booklet +Japanese inst +obi / ex-10CC / UK pop
77 JP M-/M-/
25726 LOL CREME & KEVIN GODLEY / L (Mercury 9109611 +inst / fine UK pop / ex-10CC) 78 UK Ex/Ex 2500
17861 LONNIE DONEGAN / a golden age of donegan(Marble Arch MALS636 LC,Swoc)
     late 60’s released 60’s UK oldies - skiffle
  UK Ex/Ex 2500
31403h LORI JACOBS / everything’s jake(Neostat Music HY1001 US female swamp folk rock)
     rare indie released 2nd
77 US M-/SS 4900
30478 LORI LIEBERMAN / a piece of time(Capitol ST11297 dh / US female AOR f.Larry Carlton,Herb Pederson) 74 US Ex/Ex 2500
28253 LORI LIEBERMAN / letting go(Millennium MNLP8005 7.98 Scc / fine US female AOR) 78 US M-/SS 1300
RLP065 LOVE SONG / same(Good News GNR08100 religious mellow US folk - pop) 72 US Ex/Ex 1000
30540 LOVIN SPOONFUL / hums of the lovin spoonful(Kama Sutra KLPS8054 orig.yellow lab,Sdh)
     mellow US psyche. - folk rock classic
66 US M-/Ex 1900
RLP084 LYNYRD SKYNYRD / one more from the road(MCA VIM-9501-02 2LP,G/F)
     +inst +4 page inst +obi
76 US M-/M-/M- 2900
RLP042 MADONNA & OTTO VON WERNHERR / cosmic climb(Polydor 13MM7031 +obi)
     originally no inst / 3trk12” / ’82 recordings
86 JP M-/M- 500
RLP025 MADONNA / erotica(Maverick W0138 3trk12” +ltd poster) 92 UK M-/M- 1000
31326 MADURA / same(CBS/Sony SONP50441-2 2LP,G/F +inst +in-slv +poster / jazzy US rock 1st) 71 JP Ex+/Ex/M- 1000
30541 MAGGIE BELL / queen of the night(Polydor 2383239 LC / ex-Stone The Crows) 74 AU Ex/Ex 1000
34147g MAGIC MUSHROOM BAND / the politics of ecstasy(Pagan Music PML003 +inst / UK psyche.) 86 UK M-/UNP 2900
27922j MAILER MACKENZIE BAND / same(Ampex A-10114 Dutch psyche. - blues rock 1st) 70 US Ex/M- 2900
35712 MAIN ATTRACTION / and now(Tower ST5117 Sdh,Stoc,Srw / US soft rock classic) 67 US Ex-/Ex+ 1900
34436 MAIN ATTRACTION / and now(Tower ST5117 US mellow soft rock classic/Sdh) 67 US M-/Ex+ 1900
28312 MAINSQUEEZE / live(Expulsion EXIT1 UK blues rock)
     f.Eric Bell ex-Thin Lizzy,Dick Heckstall-Smith
83 UK
M-/M- 5900
31640g MAJIC SHIP / same(Akarma AK084/2 2LP,G/F / RE of very rare US psyche.)
     their only full-length album ’70 + ’66 demos + rare single & unreleased trks
70 IT M-/M-/M- 3900
30825 MAMA CASS / dream a little dream(Dunhill DS50040 Sdh / ex-Mamas & Papas / US female dreamy pop 1st) 68 US Ex/Ex- 1500
26668 MAMA CASS / bubble gum,lemonade &... something for mama(EMI/Columbia 1C062-90224)
     LC / US female soft rock - folk rock / ex-Mamas & Papas
69 D M-/M- 3500
32114 MAMAS & PAPAS / people like us(ABC ABCL5017 good US folk rock) 71 UK Ex+/M- 2500
RLP072 MAMAS & PAPAS / people like us(Dunhill DSX50106 Sdh / US mellow folk rock classic) 71 US Ex/Ex+ 1000
28254 MAMAS & PAPAS / deliver(Dunhill DS50014 f.P.F.Sloan / US folk rock ) 72 US M-/Ex+ 1900
28573 MAMAS PRIDE / same(Atco SD36-122 Ssw / US southern rock 1st) 75 US M-/M- 1500
31404h MAN / rhinos,winos & lunatics(United Artists UAG29631 G/F,LC / bluesy UK psyche.) 74 UK Ex/M- 2900
20732 MAN / slow motion(United Artists UAG29675 LC / f.Ken Whaley) 74 UK M-/Ex 2500
31612 MAN / maximum darkness(United Artists UAG29872 G/F,LC / bluesy & psyche. UK rock) 75 UK Ex/Ex 2500
RLP036 MAN / welsh connection(MCA VIM-6101 +inst / UK rock / black & rainbow lab) 76 JP Ex/Ex+ 1200
25721j MAN <US> / same(Columbia CS9803 2 eyes + 360 lab,Bt-split 7,taped repair)
     mellow US psyche.pop / not UK group
69 US Ex/M- 2900
13901g MANFRED MANN / as is(Fontana STL5377 LC,折返しジャケ,bk lab / UK beat) 66 UK Ex/Ex 9800
22578j MANFRED MANN / mighty quinn(Mercury SR61168 Sdh,red lab / UK beat - mods) 68 US M-/Ex 3900
32277g MANFRED MANN / the mighty quinn(Mercury SR61168 red lab,Sdh / UK beat classic) 68 US Ex+/Ex 2900
27262 MANFRED MANN / attention vol.2(Fontana 6438079 60’s UK beat - mods /70’s German comp.)   D Ex+/M- 1000
15946 MARC BOLAN & T.REX / zinc alloy & the hidden riders of …(EMI BLNA7751 G/F +in-slv) 74 UK M-/M- 2500
35791 MARIA MULDAUR / waitress in a donut shop(Reprise MS2194 good US female folk rock)
     brown lab without W logo
74 US Ex/Ex+ 1900
28567 MARK FARNER / same(Atlantic SD18232 ex-G.F.R. / f.Bob Kulick / Ssw) 77 US Ex+/Ex+ 800
29468 MARK FARNER BAND / no frills(Atlantic SD19196 ex-Grand Funk Railroad) 78 US Ex+/Ex+ 1500
21949 MARK LINDSAY / silverbird(Columbia C30111 orig.red lab / US mellow pop ex-Paul Revere & Raiders) 70 US Ex+/Ex+ 1900
17895 MARMALADE / there’s a lot of it about(CBS 63414 LC,orange lab / mellow UK pop 盤、細かいスリキズあり) 68 UK Ex/Ex- 1900
20502 MARMALADE / ob la di(Embassy EMB31032 ‘73 released comp. / 60’s mellow UK pop) 73 UK M-/M- 1500
27499 MARMALADE / same(G&P GP1001 aut’d on back cvr / UK mellow pop) 80 US M-/Ex+ 1500
30821 MARTIN MULL / normal(Capricorn K57502 Swoc / mellow US folk rock / f.Amos Garrett) 74 UK Ex/M- 1000
21220 MARTY COOPER / if you were a singer(Emily 1C064-45413 good US westcoast folk rock)
     German only released rare 2nd
79 D Ex/M- 12800
29642 MARY MACGREGOR / torn between two lovers(Ariola SMAS50015 G/F / US female folk rock) 76 US Ex+/Ex+ 3500
26105h MARYLA RODOWICZ / sing-sing(Pronit SX1422 G/F good Polish funky & mellow female pop- blue eyed soul) 76 PO M-/M- 4900
22286 MASON PROFFIT / same(Happy Tiger HT1009 G/F / US country folk rock) 69 US Ex/Ex+ 1000
32686 MATRIX / same(Rare Earth R542L Ssw,rw / US blue-eyed soul - funky pop) 72 US Ex-/M- 1500
12876 MATTHEW & PETER / same(Playboy PB105 G/F / mellow US folk rock) 72 US Ex/Ex 1900
32455i MATTHEWS SOUTHERN COMFORT / later that same year(MCA MKPS2015 Stoc)
     promo pink lab / UK folk rock 3rd / f.Ian Matthews
70 UK Ex/Ex+ 3900
27920 MAUREEN STEELE / nature of the beast(Motown 6141ML +in-slv,sw / soulful US female AOR)
     Prod;Steve Barri / Associate Producer ; Roger Nichols
85 US Ex+/Ex+ 1000
RLP168 MAXUS / same(Warner P-11141 +inst +obi / f.Michael Landau, Doane Perry / US AOR) 81 JP M-/M- 1500
08969 MC 5 / high time(Atlantic 40223 G/F / US heavy psyche.3rd) 71 D M-/M- 1900
31555 MEAL TICKET / code of the road(EMI INS3008 LC, / UK swamp folk rock 1st)
     f.Steve Simpson ex-Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance
77 UK M-/Ex 3900
31417h MEAL TICKET / three times a day(EMI INS3010 +in-slv / good UK folk rock 2nd)
     f.Steve Simpson ex-Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance
78 UK M-/M- 2900
31552h MEAL TICKET / take away(Logo LOGO1008 UK swamp folk rock 3rd)
     f.Steve Simpson ex-Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance
78 UK M-/M- 3900
21891 MEDICINE HEAD / one & one is one(Polydor 2310248 gimmix quad G/F / rare British) 73 UK Ex+/M- 3900
34481 MEDICINE HEAD / thru’a five(Polydor 2383272 EC / Prod;Tony Ashton / f.John Fiddler) 74 UK Ex+/M- 2750
34482 MEDICINE HEAD / two man band(Barn 2314102 f.John Fiddler / British rock - folk rock) 76 UK M-/M- 2750
36563 MEGAN McDONOUGH / megan music(Wooden Nickel WNS-1007 +inst / US female folk) 72 US Ex/Ex 1900
36445 MEGAN McDONOUGH / sketches(Wooden Nickel BWL1-0499 Ssw / US female folk) 74 US Ex+/Ex+ 2500
RLP060 MELISSA MANCHESTER / cruggs(Arista BLPO-5-AR +in-slv +obi / US female pop) 75 JP Ex+/Ex 500
37202 METHODS OF MAYHEM / same(MCA 088 112 020-1 US funk rock - industrial / f.Tommy Lee) 99 US M-/SS 2500
29655h METRO / same(Qualiton LPX17397 mono / Hungarian beat - psyche.1st) 69 HU Ex/Ex 4900
36486 METRO / same(Sire SR6041 +in-slv / Srwobc / UK pop / f.Duncan Browne,Peter Godwin) 77 US Ex/Ex 1000
13345 METROPOL GROUP / din nou impreuna(Electrecord ST-EDE03004)
     rare melodious Romanian hard pop
87 RO Ex-/Ex 2500
32111 MICHAEL & STORMIE OMARTIAN / seasons of the soul(Myrrh MYR1073 +inst / mellow US AOR) 79 UK Ex/M- 1500
23036 MICHAEL D’ABO / broken rainbows(A&M AMLS63634 +in-slv,TC / mellow UK folk rock) 74 UK M-/M- 4900
30758i MICHAEL D’ABO / broken rainbows(A&M SP3634 +in-slv,Sdh,soc / good UK SSW - folk rock)
のプロモステッカー有・ドリルホールは直径8mm それ以外はミント
74 US Ex/M- 2900
RLP056 MICHAEL DINNER / tom thumb the dreamer(Fantasy/Victor VIP6361 G/F +inst +obi,WL)
     US SSW - westcoast
76 JP Ex/M- 500
RLP049 MICHAEL JOHNSON / lifetime gurantee(EMI America ST17104 US AOR) 83 US Ex/Ex 500
26627 MICHAEL MARRA / the midas touch(Polydor POLS1016 Sdh / UK Scottish mellow pop - AOR)
     f.Isaac Guillory / rare LP
80 UK Ex/M- 1500
08881 MICHAEL McGEAR / mcgear(Warner Bros.K56051 G/F +inst,cc / UK psyche.classic) 74 UK M-/M- 3500
19562 MICHAEL MOORCOCK & THE DEEP FIX / the new worlds fair(United Artists UAG29732)
     +in-slv,LC / UK crugg.classic / ex-Hawkwind / f.Snowy White,Simon House
75 UK Ex+/M- 9800
32110 MICHAEL OMARTIAN / white horse(Myrrh MYR1048 G/F / US mellow AOR) 74 UK Ex+/M- 2500
36561 MICHAEL PARKS / closing the gap(MGM SE-4646 G/F / US country folk rock 1st) 69 US Ex+/M- 1900
36562 MICHAEL PARKS / long lonesome highway(MGM SE-4662 US country folk rock 2nd)
     f.James Burton / Prod : James Hendricks
70 US M-/M- 1900
RLP090 MICHAEL STANLEY BAND / greatest hints(Arista AB4236 +in-slv / Not compilation LP!)
     melodious US hard pop - AOR
79 US Ex/M- 1000
RLP185 MICHEL POLNAREFF / polnareff a tokyo(Epic ECPN-18 G/F +4 page inst +int +obi)
     Quadro press. / French pop
73 JP Ex+/Ex 1000
32028i MICHELLE PHILLIPS / victim of romance(A&M SP4651 +in-slv,WL,Sdh /US female AOR)
     ex-Mamas & Papas / Prod; Jack Nitzche
77 US M-/M- 3500
37342 MICK ABRAHAMS / same(Chrysalis ILPS.9147 G/F,EC, green lab / ex-Jethro Tull) 71 UK M-/Ex+ 6900
31652h MICK GREENWOOD / living game(MCA MDKS8003 G/F,rwobc,Stoc,orange & purple lab)
     good UK folk rock /
71 UK Ex-/Ex- 2900
23214 MICKEY JUPP / oxford(Line 6.24531 UK pub rock) 80 D M-/M- 1000
29477 MIKE BATT / caravans(CBS 70164 rare UK mellow pop / f.Barbara Dickson) 78 HO M-/Ex+ 1900
29478 MIKE BATT / lady of the dawn(Epic EPC12.7962 c/w The Dead Of The Night / ex-Wombles) 79 HO Ex/M- 1000
29479 MIKE BATT / tarot suite(CBS EPC86099 G/F +in-slv / UK psyche.pop / ex-Wombles)
     f.Colin Blunstone,Rory Gallagher,Chris Spedding,Tony McPhee
79 UK Ex/M- 1900
33115 MIKE BATT / waves(Epic EPC84617 +in-slv / ex-Wombles / UK pop) 80 HO M-/M- 1000
29480 MIKE BATT / the dreamstone(Adventure ADVTLP1001 +in-slv / f.Ray Russell) 90 UK Ex/M- 1500
32615 MIKE COOPER / life and death in paradise(Fresh Air 6370500 LC / UK folk rock - pub rock) 74 UK M-/M- 1900
35919 MIKE FINNIGAN / same(Warner Bros.BS2944 avenue lab / good US swamp folk rock) 76 US Ex/Ex+ 2900
18904g MIKE HERON’S REPUTATION / same(Neighborhood NBH80637 G/F / UK folk rock) 75 UK Ex/Ex+ 2900
RLP179 MIKE OLDFIELD / tubular bells(Virgin/Nippon Columbia YQ-7005-VR +inst +obi)
     red dragon lab
73 JP M-/M- 1900
30373 MIKE OLDFIELD / incantations(Virgin VDT101 2LP,G/F,pic lab) 78 UK Ex+/M-/M- 3080
30362 MIKE OLDFIELD / crises(Virgin V2262 f.Maggie Reilly,Jon Anderson,Simon Phillips) 83 UK M-/M- 1500
RLP169 MIKE OLDFIELD / tricks of the light(Virgin VS707-12 3trk12”) 84 UK Ex/Ex 500
30980 MIKE OLDFIELD / the time has come(Virgin VST1013 3trk12” / feat.Anita Hegerland) 87 UK M-/Ex 1000
36718 MILLER ANDERSON / bright city(Deram SDL3 G/F,LC, brown lab / UK rock - SSW masterpiece!)
71 UK Ex+/M- 28800
19927 MOB / same(Polydor 2310083 LC / mellow & funky US blue-eyed soul / Prod;Jerry Ross) 71 D Ex/M- 1900
16480 MONSOON / third eye(Philips 25PP100 +inst +obi / British india pop with female vox) 83 JP M-/M- 2500
RLP003 MOODY BLUES / days of future passed(Deram DL114 G/F, originally no inst / ’71 issue)
     rare Japanese red cvr!  
67 JP Ex+/M- 1500
31321i MOODY BLUES / days of future passed(Deram SML707 LC,brown logo & DSS lab,Swobc) 67 UK Ex/Ex 4900
23170 MOODY BLUES / in search of the lost chord(Deram/Deramic Sound System SML711)
     G/F,LC / British rock classic
68 UK Ex+/M- 1900
29779 MOODY BLUES / to our childrens childrens children(Threshold/Interpath THS1 G/F,LC)
     white & purple lab,rare South African pressing
69 SA M-/Ex+ 1900
32276g MOONRIDER / same(Anchor ANCL2010 good UK pop / f.Keith West) 75 UK Ex/Ex+ 3900
RLP009 MORGAN - FISHER / seasons(Kenwood AW-25045 +inst, Ssobc / ex-Mott The Hoople / f.John Fiddler) 83 JP Ex+/M- 800
27500g MORGAN MASON DOWNS / same(Roulette SR42047 sw / mellow US folk rock) 70 US M-/SS 3900
10754 MOTHERLODE / when i die(Buddah BDS5046 Sdh / funky & mellow US soft rock) 69 US Ex+/Ex 2900
33611g MOTT THE HOOPLE / rock and roll queen(Island ILPS9215 sun-beam,pink rim lab,LC) 72 UK Ex-/M- 2900
36926 MOTT THE HOOPLE / live(CBS/Sony SOPN-104 +20 page bklt +g/f inst +inst +obi)
国内初回「モット物語」20P ブックレット付<ex・若干、シミあり>
74 JP Ex+/M- 3900
14051a MOVE / blackberry way(Cube INT126.307 late 60’s UK psyche. / 70’s German comp.)   D M-/M- 1900
RLP170 MR.BIG / sweet silence(EMI EMS80408 +in-slv +inst +obi / UK rock 1st) 75 JP Ex+/Ex+ 1900
31651 MR.BIG / photographic smile(Arista AL4083 +in-slv,sw / UK rock 2nd) 76 US Ex+/Ex+ 1000
RLP029 MR.MISTER / kyrie(RCA RPS-1021 3trk12”EP +inst +obi) 86 JP M-/Ex 500224
28804 MUD / mud rock(Rak SRAK508 LC / UK glam rok - pop rock 1st) 74 UK Ex+/Ex+ 2900
RLP083 MUD ACRES / more music from mud acres(Rounder/Trio PA6082 +inst +obi)
     US country - folk session / ’72
年のsame titleに続く続編
f.Eric Andersen,Artie & Happy Traum,John Sebastian,Paul Butterfield,etc
77 JP Ex/M- 500
30590 MURRAY McLAUCHLAN / only the silence remains : live(True North GTN19 2LP,G/F) 75 C M-/M-/M- 1000


12"/LP A-L
12"/LP M-Z
JAZZ 国内ロック
JAZZ 国内ロック